Sciatica is a kind of symptom that irritates the root of the nerve, causing numbness or pain at your lower back. It is normally caused by the compression of lumbar nerves or sacral nerves or by compression of the sciatica nerve itself. Nerve roots can be compressed due to different reasons and conditions and eventually cause sciatica. Treatment for sciatica usually differs from patient to patient.
If you feel lower back pain when you're squatting, walking on toes, rotating the spine, bending forward and backward, sitting, lying on back, and raising one leg at a time, these are the signs of sciatica symptoms. Therapy and treatment should be taken as soon as possible before it deteriorates.
Normally, therapy for sciatica is done by reducing the pressure and compression of the lower back. Other therapies such as taking anti-inflammatory medications, physical massage therapy, non-surgical spinal decompression and stretching exercises for muscle rebalancing are also found effective in sciatica treatment.
However, though effective, these Sciatica medications and treatments do not cure Sciatica entirely. They are just effective to remove the pain caused by Sciatica.
The new medical breakthrough for back and sciatica treatment- Muscle Balance Therapy (MBT) is a new revolutionary treatment for sciatica or long term back pain patients. Muscle Balance Therapy addresses the root cause of your condition while at the same time brings relief to your symptoms through simple effective exercises.
In a nutshell, Muscle Balance Therapy program will identify the main cause of your sciatica, suggest the MBT muscle exercises for your symptom and bring your pain and body back to a more neutral state.Once your muscles are more balanced and you're feeling better, you will be able to return to your workplace or to your favorite activity with the confidence and security that you need to live a full and productive life.
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