Being tall adds to the personality of a person. People have been experimenting with different things like food, diet, exercises etc to increase their height.
People are becoming more aware of the effect on their personality by increasing their height. However before deciding on the exercises it is necessary to consult a doctor. Do not decide on your own.
There are different types of exercises but those exercises which will have an impact on the back are very effective. The spine has a lot of growth potential. So it will be effective if you concentrate on such parts.
However one should understand that factors determining an increase in height are age of a person and their family background.
Here are two exercises that will be beneficial for the spine.
Double Bend Forward: This creates resistance on the back and the hamstrings. This will further pull the spine and will cause the whole spinal column to stretch, thereby accelerating decompression. This will help in increasing one's height.
First, sit on floor. The legs have to be stretched out. The hands should be on the hips. Stretch out your arms. Now bend forward like you are trying to touch your toes.
Initially you may find it difficult to touch your toes but after practising for a few days you will be able to do this. This is because your body will have become more flexible.
Repeat the move for about five times with the help of both your hands and spread your feet a few inches apart.
Now stretch by using one hand each time and touch the right foot using the left hand. Then touch the left foot using the right hand.
The increase in flexibility will help in increasing your height.
Backward Bend: This is also referred to as "Roll Over Stretch". Through this the spine is forced to attain the maximum possible curvature which will free cartilage so that it begins thickening. This exercise will be helpful in increasing one's height.
Lay in your back on a flat surface with your arms extended towards the feet. Your palms should be on the floor. Keep your feet together while you raise your legs over your head.
Your aim should be to touch the surface behind your head with the help of your toes. Now push away from the floor using your palms so that you are able to lift your legs over your head.
Also you can raise your hips from the floor. Now come back to the starting position. Repeat.
Doing an exercise plus in-taking growth supplement in daily dosage will surely increase your height. Know more about a supplement that increases height here: Growth Flex
ReplyDeleteAs long as Growth FlexV® PRO System is paired and maintained with the right exercise such as yoga, dancing, or simple jogging, it is sure to be an effective growth enhancer for your body. Read about Grow Taller and learn more here:
ReplyDeleteEat foods that are rich in protein in order for the body to function and grow properly. Read about Grow Taller and learn more here:
ReplyDeleteTo reach your full height potential you need to include natural supplements that aid in increasing growth hormone levels. To increase your height safer and faster, read Height Increase and learn more at:
ReplyDeleteCalcium, phosphorus and magnesium are essential minerals for our bones while our muscles require water and protein to grow. Read about Grow Taller and learn more of the ways on how to increase your height here:
ReplyDeleteIt is necessary that you exert enough effort to lactate your muscles for increasing your height. Read Grow Taller Exercises and learn more here: