Spinal Decompression Therapy is designed to relieve pressure on joints, nerves, and intervertebral discs. It may be used to treat a wide range of problems, improving function and optimizing patient health. Spinal Decompression Treatment starts with a consultation with a chiropractic doctor who fully evaluates the patient with a history, and detailed musculoskeletal examination.
The patient may need imaging studies prior to commencing treatment. Once it's clear that the patient is safe to start treatment, the individual is positioned either face up (supine) or face down (prone) on the table according to the condition being treated. At times, placing the position in one position may be more painful than another so it's great to have the option.
If the patient is receiving lumbar spinal decompression, the patient holds on to hand grips and a pelvic harness is placed around the patient to apply the intermittent traction. If the patient is receiving cervical spinal decompression, the patient is positioned with their torso slightly elevated and a cervical harness applying traction underneath the areas of the mastoid. The elevation decreases shear forces and prevents the patient from being pulled off the table (the forces are fairly gentle).
During the procedure, the table is stretched apart as the intermittent traction occurs. It is not continuous spinal traction, rather intermittent so as to prevent the paraspinal muscles from spasm and guarding. Disc pressure is relieved and within the disc negative pressure is created. Nutrients and oxygen and blood flow are pulled in, allowing substances for healing of damaged regions.
Nerves that are being pinched as they exit the spinal column, from spinal stenosis or a disc herniation, may be relieved as the decompression allows for more room for the nerves to exit.
Spinal decompression is safe and may be beneficial for acute and chronic neck and back pain. A series of sessions are typical and may provide lasting pain relief.
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