Mobilization, in the realm of chiropractics, refers to a therapist using physical adjustment on the joints and soft tissue of the body. It is used in an effort to assist in soothing of pain as well was assisting to improve the range of motion of the limb and to place the exact source of the discomfort of the body. Also commonly used on the spine, this aspect of manual therapy is used on the facet joints when they have become stiff and are acting as a constant source of pain.
Mobilization Versus Manipulation
Chiropractic Mobilization is a very precise hands-on technique that uses slow, gradual motions to smoothly articulate the joints within their normal range of motion in an effort to relieve tension. Contrary to normal belief, as the two are used almost interchangeably, this technique of chiropractic mobilization is different than manipulation as they are two entirely separate concepts.
Manipulation is the sudden thrust to take the tissue or joint beyond the normal parameters of motion in an effort to reduce the pressure quickly, and this is the near opposite of the slow and gradual manipulation that seeks to reduce pressure slowly.
Despite often being confused for manipulation, Chiropractic Mobilization retains the primary goal of restoring normal function to joints of the body that have become problematic. It seeks to treat many of the different possible issues of soft tissue or of the limbs, including dysfunctions that arise by either sports or more severe injuries, such as those induced by trauma.
It seeks to help correct poor posture, spine degeneration, or issues that have arose from disease. It is viewed as one of the more conservative treatments, falling in the same categories as palpation and heat therapy, and it is usually recommended first when an individual that is experiencing neck or back pain contacts an institute for assistance. Typically several weeks of this treatment is all that is needed to assist them in reducing pain levels, and is favored by most as treatment because of no surgery being required.
However for some patients pain persists and it is for these suffering individuals, which is when surgery is brought up as a possible response to their issues. If chiropractic mobilization is proving to not be enough and surgery is an available consideration for an individual to make, despite requiring length rehab after the initial period of hospitalization, most reputable spine and joint correction centers have procedures that are safe, effective, and respectful of the area being worked on.
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