Friday, June 14, 2013

Self-Confidence - The Driving Force Behind Greatness

Ever wondered what is it about great people that make them what they are? Not all of them hail from good families. Not all of them have received great education. In fact most of them were poor, had a hard life, and did not get many opportunities. But when they did get one, they grabbed it with both hands and made the most of it with whatever resources they had.

This is what sets them apart!

The belief that they had in themselves that they are capable of doing whatever it takes to achieve their goals. This confidence in their self is the driving force behind the success of every great person on this earth. Confidence is one of the most powerful assets you have. You could be incredibly skilled and talented, but without confidence in your abilities, you will never use your full potential.

A lot of our characteristics are inherited from our parents. If you see new born babies, they are not all the same in the way that they behave. Some babies are anxious while others are relaxed. Some babies are happy while others are irritable. But not all happy babies become happy grown-ups and not all irritable children grow up to be irritable adults. Our inherited talents, temperaments and personality have only so much to do with what we can become.

It is our belief in self that gives us the power to achieve whatever we want to have!

Every skill can be learned. Every talent can be acquired. Any disability can be overcome. If you have the confidence to learn, to perform and to achieve, anything is possible. You might be where you are now because of things that were out of your control, but that doesn't mean you can't make changes now to help you improve your self-confidence. You can learn how to gain confidence. It is always in your hands to become in charge of your life. And, being confident means doing just that.

When we think of confidence, what we are looking at is a set of behaviors. A confident person acts, thinks, feels and reacts differently to a person who has low self-esteem. If you look at each of these four areas, you can see a certain pattern in the way confident people behave. The best confidence tips deal with all these areas.

To become confident you need to truly believe that you are the driver of your own life and it will take whichever direction you want it to take. Learn how to become the king/queen of your own life. Studies also show that people with high self-confidence and good self esteem tend to be happier in general. This should be your goal on your journey to being a more developed being.

In the words of the great Marcus Garvey, "If you have no confidence in self you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence you have won even before you have started."

So, go ahead and be a winner!

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