Saturday, June 29, 2013

Spinal Decompression Therapy For Back Pain

Of all the non surgical treatments used to treat back pain, spinal decompression care is one popular name. It is also particularly effective when it comes to treating back wounds. It's also an FDA authorised measure to eliminate the back pain.

This alternative cure of back pain is used to cure numerous back conditions. It is used to cure prominent and herniated disc. It has also been found you can treat sciatica and pinched nerve fibres with spinal decompression therapy.

Spinal decompression treatment works on the principle of reducing stress on the spinal discs. As a result of it, the back stiffness gets relieved. Often, compression of the spinal discs is what leads to back pain which is due to strain on the vertebrae. You must always remember that bones may experience a high level of pressure on account of factors like slumped posture, inaccurate standing, sitting or sleeping. Such pressure could in turn compress the spinal discs and cause lots of back pain.

This alternative cure decompresses your spinal discs to relieve you from back trouble. The patient is strapped to a transportable table that causes a mild distraction force while moving. This immediately affects the painful parts of your body. A computerized control is used to maneuver this force. And, the strength of the force is controlled relying upon the patient's condition and wishes.

The force is applied on the spine to tug it to elongate the spine, to make space between your backbones. The empty space is utilized by the compressed discs to fall back into their place. When you are taking the treatment sessions of this Spinal decompression, you are asked to take correct rest as well. This is to make sure that you do not take any pointless stress. These treatment sessions are also accompanied by cold and heat therapy for more satisfying results and especially in case when the patient is under great discomfort.

The number of sessions needed to relieve back pain may alter from patient to patient, dependent on the severity of the problem. However, it is often said that 28 sessions could treat the problem fully. These sessions could be administered in a timeframe of one to two months. A single session is of roughly 30 to Forty minutes.

Spinal decompression treatment could help you get rid of sciatica and other types of back trouble, successfully. But, before you decide to go for it, it's better to know about all its pros and cons. Since, it's a natural care, there are extraordinarily rare odds of any complications and that's the positive thing about it. But the disadvantage is that it can take quite some time for this care to supply results.

Spinal decompression is a wonderful alternative treatment for those that are on the lookout for a method to treat sciatica naturally or different types of back trouble. Just give it a try.

Spinal Decompression Marketing Done Ethically - 10 Tips to Ensure Your Ads Are Ethical and Effective

Spinal Decompression therapy is an exciting modern healthcare treatment for back and neck pain due to a variety of conditions.  There is a great deal of research to support the effectiveness of spinal decompression in relieving pain and symptoms.  Many doctors, clinics, marketing companies, and equipment manufacturers really go overboard when praising the benefits of decompression however!  Arrogant and over the top decompression advertisements give spinal decompression a bad reputation that it doesn't deserve.  Healthcare providers need to make sure their spinal decompression advertising and marketing isn't making promises they can't keep.   

Don't get me wrong, I have seen first hand evidence that spinal decompression works.  I have seen many patients steer clear of the path of drugs and surgery thanks to spinal decompression and conservative chiropractic care.  Although I believe in spinal decompression, I also know it has limitations.  Spinal decompression is not a magic cure all.  It is not an instant, guaranteed fix for herniated discs or back pain.  Marketing decompression as if it is, is simply unethical.  While that may seem obvious, we always need to be aware of the message our spinal decompression marketing is sending.  

I understand most healthcare providers don't design their own marketing.  Most simply pay someone else to design and run it.  That is still no excuse for not critically analyzing your advertisements and they statements they make.  The doctor or healthcare provider is ultimately the person responsible for the contents of their advertising.  When it comes to state board regulations there is no passing the buck.   How often have you come across a spinal decompression ad that makes bold statements about curing this or that condition?  How often have you read an ad that you KNEW violated state board rules or other regulations?  More importantly, are you running these ads yourself?  Even though an ad may be effective in generating new patients, it can still be potential trouble. 

For example, about a month ago while traveling for a seminar I came across a simple and well designed decompression ad.  It was very compelling and ended with a strong offer and a call to action.  I had no doubt it was a very effective ad.  My problem was with the headline, which read something to the effect of: "Spinal Decompression can eliminate your back pain due to herniated or bulging discs . . . without drugs or painful surgery!"    I've also come across a few ads flat out stating that spinal decompression is a non-surgical CURE for back pain.  These types of ads can land a practice in hot water.  It is also my personal opinion that these ads are both dishonest and unethical.  You may not share my concerns, but look at what these ads are really saying to the prospective patient. 

Let's look at the first example ad.  The ad states that spinal decompression CAN eliminate back pain. It doesn't say it might, or that it is a possibility.  It states that it CAN.  Now we could split hairs here and debate the meaning of "can".  Some would argue that the usage of "can" simply implies that decompression has the potential to eliminate back pain.  I would agree it's a possibility, but I don't want my state board, or a court interpreting the meaning of my advertising content.  I think a much better choice would be statement like "spinal decompression may be able to help relieve your pain and symptoms . . . without drugs or surgery".  This may not be as eye catching as the original headline, but it conveys the same message and does so ethically.  There is no promise.  There is no statement left for loose interpretation.  Written this way the ad simply states that spinal decompression MAY be an option.  Without directly stating so, the ad also indicates to a reasonable person that spinal decompression is NOT always an option and it is NOT always effective.  

Another concern with that first example ad is the word "eliminate".  Is it really ethical to be talking about ELIMINATING pain or symptoms?  A statement like that can lead to false expectations on the part of new decompression patients.  Patients will come in expecting elimination of their pain and symptoms, when the honest to goodness truth is we have no idea whether treatment will be effective.  Wouldn't the word "reducing" or "relieving" be a much better choice than "eliminating"?  As you can see, you should choose your wording carefully when you advertise.  Changing one or two words in the copy of an advertisement can lead to a potential problem.  Although a mistake may be an honest oversight or miscommunication between the advertiser and provider, it doesn't excuse the doctor from any liability.  

The second type of ad I mentioned were those overly confident ads that boast spinal decompression can cure back pain or herniated discs.  Yes, these ads do exist.  I have seen them with my own eyes.  I still cringe when I read them.  A healthcare provider shouldn't be advertising that they can cure anything with spinal decompression.   These types of ads are flat out unethical and illegal.  They are a disservice to the prospective patient because they make statements that simply aren't true!  I usually give these doctors the benefit of the doubt and assume they simply haven't carefully looked at what their ads are saying.  

It may seem that it is very easy to accidentally cross over into the world of unethical and dishonest spinal decompression advertising.  This may be true, but it is also just as easy to prevent this from happening.  Here are10 easy tips to ensure your spinal decompression marketing is both effective and ethical:  

  1. Be Informed.

  2. Accept responsibility

  3. Curb your enthusiasm

  4. Don't Promise Anything

  5. Use Common Sense

  6. Put yourself in the Prospective Patient's Shoes

  7. Patients Before Profit

  8. Your Competition is not a Role Model

  9. Be Consistent

  10. Control Costs  

1.  Be Informed

Know your state laws and any other applicable rules and regulations. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.  Do your homework and make sure your spinal decompression marketing is in full compliance.  Don't leave any grey areas which are open to interpretation.  

2.  Accept Responsibility

You already know this, but it bears repeating. Ultimately the doctor or provider is responsible for the advertising they run.  Don't expect a marketing firm, a media outlet, or anyone else to accept responsibility for your mistakes.  In the end YOU as a healthcare provider are responsible for the content of your advertising.  It is YOUR license and reputation which are on the line.  Market ethically or don't do it at all!  

3.  Curb Your Enthusiasm

We both know spinal decompression is great.  As healthcare providers we are convinced spinal decompression can help our patients.  It is important to remember to keep our passion and confidence in decompression in check.  Communicate your confidence in decompression, but remember that nothing is guaranteed.  This leads us to tip number four.  

4.  Don't Promise Anything!

Do yourself and your patients a favor: don't make any promises you can't keep.  Do not advertise that spinal decompression can definitively cure, stop, or eliminate anything.  If you want to state that spinal decompression may be able to do these things, I think you are treading in much safer waters!  

5.  Use Your Common Sense

I have faith that we all possess at least some degree of common sense.  Use it! If something seems like a grey area or a bad idea it probably is!  Stop and think about the impact any given form of advertisement is going to have on you and your practice before you run it.  Try and visualize both the positive and potential negative impacts of an advertisement before committing.  Following tip number six well help here.  

6.  Put Yourself in the Prospective Patient's Shoes

It is easy to assume others know what we are trying to express in our advertising.  We see the benefits of spinal decompression everyday so we have a biased point of view.  One of the best ways to critically evaluate your spinal decompression marketing is to look at each and every ad from an outsider's point of view.  Pretend you are a prospective patient who knows nothing about spinal decompression.  Take a look at your advertisements and interpret them from an outsider's point of view.  What does your marketing say?  Does it make promises?  Can the ad be misunderstood and taken too literally?  It is often beneficial to enlist the help of a friend or relative with this step.  

7.  Patients Before Profit

This one is simple.  Remember the main goal is to help patients and improve quality of life.  The goal is not make as much money as possible.  Profit is a factor in the equation, but it shouldn't be the driving force behind your marketing.  One of the fastest ways to start marketing unethically is to market only to make money.  Focus on bringing in patients into your practice that you want to help.  When you market with the end goal of helping people get out of pain and back to enjoying a better quality of life you will be amazed how profit falls into place.  Your spinal decompression will be ethical and you will still make money.   Position yourself as a doctor who truly cares about your patients and those patients will reward you.        

8.  Your Competition is not a Role Model

Never rely on your competitor's advertising to tell you what is legal and ethical.  Just because Dr. Jones down the street at XYZ Clinic gets away with it doesn't meet it is acceptable.  Focus on tips 1-7 and let the competition say what they will!  

9.  Be Consistent

Make sure your spinal decompression advertising and marketing maintains a central theme and message.  At the very least make sure your different advertisements don't contradict one another.  Don't tell patients one thing in one and something totally different in the next.   Maintaining consistency is key.  If your ads are sending mixed messages, your audience may dismiss them as unethical junk that tells them what they want to hear rather than the truth.  

10.  Control Costs

What do costs have to do with ethical marketing?  Nothing leads to unethical marketing faster than when a doctor overextends their marketing budget.  Think of it as the familiar old saying, "Desperate times call for desperate measures".  Panicked doctors who spent too much on advertising often say and promise things they normally wouldn't.  When that expensive advertising they can't afford doesn't work, the situation is often even more critical.  These individuals may begin to use questionable marketing ethics in effort to bring in more patients.  Never put yourself in this position.  Set a marketing budget that is affordable.  Know this budget and stick to it!  

The preceding tips are  ten easy ways to ensure your spinal decompression marketing is ethical.  Unfortunately many spinal decompression providers market with questionable ethics.  This is both bad for their profession and a disservice to the patient.   Healthcare providers owe it to their patients to market truthfully.  Hopefully I have demonstrated that spinal decompression marketing can be both effective and ethical.  Follow the advice above, stay humble, and use your common sense.  Whenever I run an advertisement I think of something my father would tell me when I was a teenager: "Don't let your mouth write a check your butt can't cash!"  That advice still applies today!  

Five Reasons Why Gel Pads Rock

1. I use shoe pads because they make wearing my shoes very comfortable. I am an upcoming nurse and will have to be standing around all day during clinicals, so I need the extra support and relief. I had to experiment with several different brands and models before finding the right style. After finding the right model, my work days were much more enjoyable.

2. The good really outweighs the bad when it comes to shoe pads. These things do not cost that much money for the amount of good that they can do. Unless you get yours from a doctor, they shouldn't cost you anymore than twenty bucks for two of them. Usually they don't even cost over ten, but there are some brands that are not that expensive.

3. I wear gel pads because they last. Yep, they are unlike any other form of support for a pair of shoes. Some shoe brands come with a little added support inside the sole, but these layers often give way to the wear and tear of everyday use. The tough plastic material of which the gel pads are made of, have lasted much longer in my experiences.

4. They make me taller. I hate to admit it, but wearing gel pads makes me taller. I actually double up on each shoe in order to make myself look a little bit taller. My girlfriend is just a smidgen taller than I, so the gel pad actually levels out heights out a bit.

5. Lastly, they are simply exciting, Yes, I am about to explain why I think these innovative objects are exciting. They come in so many different shapes, sizes, colors, and contents, that they really are fun to experiment with. You never know which ones will give your feet the most relief. I am always tempted when I see a new one.

Stopping Inflammation Without Drugs

In every disease, whether you are dealing with arthritis or cancer, will result in inflammation.

The medical community uses anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen, and others to combat inflammation. The reason a patient has pain is due to the inflammation.

People can be walking around in an extreme inflammatory state and still function. The reason people can develop heart disease or cancer is that they become immune to the pain and they really forget what it was like before they even had it because it develops over years.

The inflammation I am talking about now is not the kind you get from a severely sprained knee or a rotator cuff injury. It is the kind that is dangerous. For instance, someone eats more inflammatory foods like animal products and dairy, along with sugar, all day everyday. This will result in an inflammatory state that drives cells not to function at 100%, resulting in a disease down the road. The common diseases in the United States are cancer and heart disease.

So there are two ways to control inflammation. Diet and supplementation. You must incorporate both ways to successfully control inflammation.

First we will discuss diet. Anti-inflammatory foods are generally foods in the vegetable category, greens, etc. Also omega fatty acids such as fish and nuts. The common Mediterranean diet is a great non-inflammatory diet. Flax seeds are great for colon health and a great way to fill up with healthy fats. There are 2 types of fats, good and bad to be general. The bad fats or inflammatory fats are the animal products and dairy products. Good fats are peanuts, avocados, flax seeds, salmon, trout, etc.

One reason the residents of Europe do not get nearly as much heart disease as the US is the type of foods they eat.

Second we will discuss supplements. Some great supplements to control inflammation are omega-3-fatty acids. Make sure to get your fish oil from a reputable source. Fish oil that is cheap will generally be lacking the proper capsule and preparation for consumption. The oil must also be filtered properly to make sure there are no toxins such as methy-mercury in the oil.

Tumeric is another great natural anti-inflammatory. It has been used very successfully to control pain and inflammation. Studies show that tumeric, along with fish oil, can decrease the risk of heart disease.

Lastly, superoxide dismutase combats the inflammatory free radicals in any disease state. Free radicals, or unpaired electrons, can damage tissue and are prevalent in any disease. Superoxide Dismutase or SOD, will halt free radical damage and thus stop the inflammation from these pathways.

Exercise is also another great way to stop inflammation. Too much exercise, though, can cause inflammation. I am strictly talking about light cardiovascular exercise. This will also cause a person to sweat, which is good to release toxins and other inflammatory substances.

So, by incorporating these basic steps, will help you to live a healthier and more productive life. Remember, combating inflammation is not a one time deal. You must work at it your whole life!

-Dr.Chris Fiorentino

Selective Endoscopic Discectomy: Extremely Minimally Invasive Surgery

TRANSFORAMINAL SELECTIVE ENDOSCOPIC DISCECTOMY: extremely minimally invasive surgical treatment for lower back and leg pain.

While 95% of people who sustain an injury to their lower back will recover with a combination of conservative treatment and preventative measures there is a small group of patients who fail to respond to these measures.

This article is meant for those patients who remain unhappy with their symptoms and have been advised by their treating physicians that they would have to live with their present symptomatology or undergo extensive spinal surgery. The following information is about SELECTIVE ENDOSCOPIC DISCECTOMY an alternative procedure for those patients who do not want to live with chronic pain, undergo extensive spinal surgery and do not want to have general anesthesia.

The typical patient frequently presents several months or more after having sustained an injury to the lower back with no previous history of any back problems. Initial treatment from the general practitioner, chiropractor or emergency room physician might include that the patient take anti-inflammatory medication, analgesics, muscle relaxants, limit activities and receive physiotherapy. When the patient's problem did not resolve the patient may have been sent to an orthopedic or neurosurgical specialist who scheduled the patient for an MRI scan that may have revealed one or multiple disc bulges, disc protrusions or disc herniations. The patient may have been provided with additional treatment in the form of a lower back brace and a series of epidural cortisone injections along with specific trunk/abdominal/lower back stabilization exercises or Pilates exercises. While the patient may have noticed some partial improvement with any or all of the above measures he or she may have significant residual lower back pain and radicular pain into one or both of the legs. At that point the patient may have been told that surgical intervention would be necessary in the form of either a micro lumbar laminectomy or a Metrx discectomy under general anesthesia or if the problem was more extensive that a spinal fusion or disc replacement surgery might be indicated.

At that point after thorough review of the patient's history and performing a complete physical examination and discussing the patient's MRI scan I might find that the patient could be a candidate for the SELECTIVE ENDOSCOPIC DISCECTOMY procedure if the patient was found to have either a contained lumbar disc protrusion or lumbar disc herniation unassociated with elements of severe arthritic changes. At that point we would recommend to the patient that additional confirmatory testing be performed in the form of a provocative discogram to determine the exact disc that is causing the residual pain and then follow the discogram with a SELECTIVE ENDOSCOPIC DISCECTOMY procedure.

A discogram is an X-ray study performed under flouroscopic control in an outpatient surgical center using local anesthesia. A needle is placed in the center of the abnormal disk and in an adjoining normal disc and a solution consisting of X-ray contrast dye mixed with indigo Carmine blue dye is injected into these discs. Since the patient is awake as the dye causes increasing pressure in the center of the disc most likely this will reproduce the patient symptoms in the back and/or leg pain and also define the abnormal anatomy of the damage disc on the floroscope. If the patient's symptoms are reproduced by this discogram it is considered a positive concordant discogram and the patient can then be treated with the SELECTIVE ENDOSCOPIC DISCECTOMY either immediately or at a later time if insurance authorization is required.

The SELECTIVE ENDOSCOPIC DISCECTOMY procedure is then performed under local anesthesia with the patient awake and in the prone position on special pillows. A small needle is inserted into the disc space after local anesthesia has been administered. A 7mm (1/4inch) skin incision is made and a spine arthroscope is slipped into the abnormal disc. Under fluoroscopic control, the micro-instruments (mini forceps, mini curettes, and mini cutters-shavers) and the laser probe are used for removal of only the damaged disc material. The laser is used for further removal and shrinkage of the disc for the purpose of disc decompression and tightening up of the annulus. The procedure takes about 30 minutes to an hour per disc, on the average. The amount of disc removed and shrinkage by the laser varies, but includes only the herniated and damaged portion. The supporting structure of the disc is not affected. Upon completion, the probe is removed and a small Band-Aid is applied over the needle incision. Since the patient is awake during the procedure frequently they are interested in watching the monitor as we remove the damage disc material.

After surgery the patient is sent home and advised to use ice packs on the lower back and take mild oral analgesics and rest for few days. Many patients are able to resume work within a few days. The patient are advised prior to the procedure that if the preoperative pain was primarily lower back that in excess of 86% good and excellent results should be expected. If the patient's pain was back and leg pain good and excellent results should approach 92%.

Most of the time the patient's return to the office one week later feeling much improved and wanting to know why this procedure was not performed on them earlier and why the procedure works. We believe that this technique is successful because the abnormal portion of the disc that is creating internal pressure against the annulus and nerve root is removed, the fissures in the annulus that allow leakage of disc fluid and material are sealed and tighten up and the constant flow of irrigating saline through the endoscope washes out the irritating damaged metabolites( prostaglandins, histamines,and substance P & X). No deep tissue is cut and generally no bone has to be removed.

The following patients are not candidates for selective endoscopic discectomy:

1. The rare patient than has a disk that has become a fully extruded and migrated up into the spinal canal.

2. The patient has extensive spinal stenosis will need an extensive amount of bone removed which is better done with open surgery.

3. The patient has extensive spinal instability and requires a spinal fusion that must be done with an open procedure.

For those patients who are afraid of having extensive spinal surgery and have been told that they will have to live with their lower back pain, SELECTIVE ENDOSCOPIC DISCECTOMY is an exciting successful minimally invasive surgical alternative procedure that it is performed under local anesthesia and has a very high rate of patient satisfaction. For further information see

What Are Terpenes in Marijuana?

If you go into a medical marijuana dispensary, you will often see over 20 different kinds of product. The names of these products will sound like an alternative music rock band name, such as Purple Haze, Northern Lights, OG Kush, Bubba Kush, White Widow, or Sour Diesel.

There are no established guidelines or labs that perform quality control checks on the various strains of marijuana, so patients cannot be assured of buying the same product between various dispensaries. They should be similar in quality though.

There are 2 general strains of marijuana called indica and sativa. Most finished products these days are combination's of strains. Sativas generally have sweet, floral aromas and are said to be inspirational and energizing. They can be helpful in separating the mind from pain.

Indica blends, on the other hand, have a dry and skunk like odor. They are relaxing, sedating, and relieve stress and pain. Patients often say they work well for chronic pain in conjunction with pain medications.

People often think that the various blends work differently because of the varying ratios of cannabinoids in them. Cannabinoids are the mind altering components of marijuana, and THC is the most well known one. Interestingly, research shows that THC is the most predominant cannabinoid by far in all varieties.

Terpenes are the molecules for odor that are found in the essential oils of plants. These essential oils are used in aromatherapy because they have been found to modulate brain function and mood. Researchers are now giving credence to the belief that terpenes affect how marijuana works on the body. Assuming this is true, this means knowing what a variety smells like can predict how it will act on the body.

The most common terpene found in marijuana is Myrcene. It's earthy, fruity, citrus, and mango in quality. This terpene is a strong antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and pain reliever. It is thought to work in combination with THC, decreasing depression, elevating mood, and allowing more THC to get into the brain.

Another terpene, Beta-caryophyllene, smells peppery. It maintains pain relief qualities, but lacks a mental effect. So it is considered non-psychoactive. Pinene is another terpene that is a major component of turpentine. It has a piney odor and has been shown to increase focus, self-satisfaction, and memory. Terpenol smells floral with hints of orange blossom. It has a significant sedative effect and is great for sleep problems.

There are other terpenes that help with improving memory, which is one thing that is typically thought to be adversely affected with existing marijuana strains. One of these is Pulgone, which slows the destruction of memory transfer proteins. It helps keep people alert.

For the most part, patients looking for help sleeping should look for a floral sweet variety of marijuana with Linalool in it. As more research is performed, the different varieties of terpene and its effects on the body will hopefully become more apparent. This will help patients more effectively receiving treatment for their disease.

Friday, June 28, 2013

C4 C5 Bulging Disc

A C4 C5 bulging disc can be a very stubborn health condition to correct. This article will discuss what a C4 C5 bulging disc is, what causes it, common symptoms associated with it, as well as the most common treatment options available for your condition.

In order to understand what a bulging disc is, we must first understand what a spinal disc is, how it's put together, and what it does.

The discs of the spine are special types of ligaments that are found between each set of vertebrae (bones of the spine). Their purpose is to hold the spine together, and to act as a cushion or shock absorber with movement.

Each disc of the spine is made up of a firm outer covering (called the annulus), and a jelly center (called the nucleus). They almost look like jelly doughnuts.

If something occurs to damage the annulus (the outer covering of the disc), the jelly can begin to shift to the weak area, which causes the disc to bulge. This is why this condition is referred to as a bulging disc. You may also hear it referred to as a herniated disc, slipped disc, etc.

What's interesting about the disc is that it doesn't have the ability to feel pain sensations. I realize this sounds a bit odd, but think about it - if the main purpose of the spinal discs is to absorb shock from movement, wouldn't it be wise if we didn't feel them? I don't know about you, but I'm thankful I don't feel pain with every movement I make.

At this point, you're probably wondering why a C4 C5 bulging disc can be so painful if it doesn't feel pain. The reason is because of where the bulge usually occurs. The disc usually bulges at the back of the disc, which is right next to the spinal cord and nerves of the spine.

The nerves of the spine control everything in the body. If there is any pressure applied to them, they become very aggravated and can cause incredible pain.

Even more significant, though, is the disability that can occur because of the pressure on these nerves. For example, a C4 C5 bulging disc will affect the nerves that control the arms, hands, shoulders, neck, head, chest, eyes, ears, and many other parts of the body.

Because of this, it is very common for a person with this condition to experience other symptoms besides neck pain. Symptoms such as pain, burning, weakness, or numbness in the shoulder, arm or hand, blurred vision, headaches, ringing in the ears, chest pain, difficulty breathing, etc.

The cause of a C4 C5 bulging disc is different for everyone, but in general, the most common cause is some type of injury or trauma. Car accidents, falls, sports injuries, etc. are all common causes of a bulging disc.

Although this may be the case for most, a bulging disc can also occur from deterioration that occurs in the disc over time. As we use our spine (which is pretty much all the time), the discs can deteriorate due to normal wear and tear. This creates a weakness in the outer layer of the disc, which can also lead to a bulging disc over time.

Let's discuss some of the most common treatment options available for healing a C4 C5 bulging disc. Most doctors will recommend medications (usually a combination of pain relievers and muscle relaxers), pain injections (such as cortisone or epidurals), physical therapy, and surgery (as a last resort).

Although these treatments will often provide relief, it is important to realize that they do not generally provide long-term results. This is because most of these treatments are designed to numb the involved nerves (which provides relief), but they do not actually address the cause of the problem, which is the injured disc.

I've actually found that a combination of treatments is most effective for this condition, and there are about 30 steps a person needs to take in order to help the disc heal completely, which provides lasting relief.

Let's discuss just 3 things you can do at home right now to start the healing process.

First, I would recommend that you use ice on your neck if you are experiencing pain. Ice is usually the fastest way to experience relief, and although this sounds pretty simple, I can't tell you the number of times I've had people tell me they use heat with this condition.

Heat is really one of the worst things you can do if you are experiencing pain, because the body is going through an inflammatory process, which is where the body will send blood to the injured area to try and fix it. This will cause swelling and excessive heat in the area, so what do you think will happen if you apply heat to it? That's right - it will get more inflamed and aggravated.

Apply the ice over the middle of the back of your neck for 15 minutes or until the area becomes numb. Then repeat this every hour. If you do this consistently, you should start to notice some improvement in the pain levels within 3 to 4 treatments, and it should calm down considerably in about 3 days.

The second tip I would recommend is that you watch the way you are sleeping. Make sure you are only using one pillow, and that you are not sleeping on your stomach. Sleeping with extra pillows under your head will cause the neck to bend excessively which puts a lot of strain on the discs of the neck. Sleeping on your stomach forces you to turn your head to the side, and this excessive rotation can also be hard on the disc.

Finally, I would recommend that you bounce on a therapy ball. Therapy balls are those large balls you see at health clubs. Simply sit on the ball and bounce gently up and down for about 5 minutes every day. This will pump the discs of the spine (even in the neck), which pumps new oxygen and nutrition into the disc for faster healing.

If you would like more information about the essential steps you can take to heal a C4 C5 bulging disc, please visit

Chiropractic Marketing - 5 Ways To Make Your Receptionist A Closer!

I have been working in the medical marketing profession for a few years now, and one thing remains a constant in all medical professions; Receptionists are not closers. That's right; I said it, receptionists, the front line of your practice, the first person any new patient speaks with, the ambassador of your livelihood, is not a closer! Since working with a product that tracks and records all calls, I have learned a lot about this aspect of the business. Many receptionists aren't friendly, others try to treat patients over the phone, and others, well, just don't care.

So, the other day one of my long time clients called me and asked me, "Rory, how do I make my receptionist a closer? My phone is ringing, but the patients aren't flowing." I listened to his calls, quickly figured out his dilemma, and came up with this; 5 Ways to Make Your Receptionist A Closer!

  1. Have them smile when they answer the telephone. You can hear a smile; you can hear the positive energy. People like speaking with pleasant people.

  2. Assume the Appointment. They need to assume that every patient they speak to is interested in an appointment. Why else are they calling a doctor's office? Have them suggest times as opposed to having the patient suggest a time. For example, "What's better for you, Thursday at 9 am or Wednesday at 2 pm?" Very assumptive, the question isn't if you're going to come in, it's when you're going to come in!

  3. Don't treat the patient over the phone. A lot of patients call in, complaining of their problems and sometimes try to get the quick fix over the phone. Instead of trying to diagnose, the receptionist should take this time to schedule them an appointment. For example, "I'm sorry to hear your in pain, my doctor is really great, and he has an opening today at 2 pm. Does that work for you?"

  4. Get a phone # and email. These are great tools to have in the system to send appointment reminders, as well as some internal marketing.

  5. Educate them on your techniques. An educated receptionist is a confident receptionist. Make sure they know your techniques. If you specialize in Spinal Decompression Therapy, make sure they know what that means. They should know if you have a laser or have a drop table or any other sort of specialty.

Thanks to technology, there are multiple avenues to go down that give you the ability to record your phone calls and monitor your receptionists, but is by far the easiest and most cost effective.

Stop the Severe Back Pain During Pregnancy

First off, it is not uncommon and you are not the only one to suffer from severe back pain during pregnancy, BUT it does not have to mean you have to go on with suffering. There are things you can do to reduce and even stop!

Let's first understand why you are dealing with this back pain right now. Your body is going through major changes in such a short time. The extra weight of the belly is adding additional strain on your back and if not taken care of, it progresses.

One thing you should know is, that if this pain is not taken care of, the problem can follow you for the rest of your life, and it is not something you want to live with I know. And this is not a small problem as currently ½ of the people living in this world are suffering from some kind of the back pain! 

Now what can you do to correct the problem? First off, you need to get the extra strain of your back as much as possible. One thing that can aid you during daily tasks is the pregnancy belly belt. You of course need to use it every day, to see the difference, but it does help. 

When you sleep at night, you have to support your back as well. The maternity pillows do miracles with helping to ease the strain your back is taking on. 

What you really need is the list of pregnancy stretching exercises, out of all of them, this will help you a lot. You need to take it slowly at first, BUT, the more you progress with it, the severe back pain during pregnancy you are experiencing right now, will turn into mild back pain and sometimes non existent! 

Are Trans-Foraminal Lumbar Injections Better Than Interlaminar Epidural Injections?

Epidural steroid injections are a very effective treatment for pain management and patients with radiculopathy due to nerve root inflammation. Placing steroid medication around the nerve root that is either being compressed from a herniated disc or chemically inflamed can help significantly with pain reduction and potentially surgery avoidance. They do not "fix" the problem, they simply reduce the inflammation, thereby reducing pain.

When a patient receives an epidural steroid injection, the pain relief that is the result may allow that individual to then perform physical therapy, chiropractic treatment, and/or undergo spinal decompression treatment. Prior to the injection, the patient may be in so much pain that it may not be possible to participate in these treatments.

Most studies on epidural steroid injections that have been performed involved the interlaminar approach with the injections. The newer type of injections, referred to as trans-foraminal, have not been the subject of a heavy amount of research. A lot of the initial research on epidural steroid injections was done with the inter-laminar variation of the injections.

One of the issues with these initial studies was that they were not performed using a real time x-ray guidance machine, called a fluoroscopy. Unfortunately, there was at least a 40% miss rate with these injections, so whether or not the studies' injections were accurate is questionable.

Interlaminar injections place the steroid medication in the back part of the epidural space. The newer type of epidural injection, trans-foraminal injections, places the steroid medication farther out the region where the nerve root is trying to exit from the spine. This is typically the area where he herniated disc pushes on the nerve root, creating a pinched nerve situation. As mentioned, the steroid doesn't make the disc herniation "un-herniate" in any way.

There have been some recent studies looking at inter-laminar epidural steroid injections versus the transforaminal variety. Essentially what the studies are showing is that both of the injection types are effective, and equally so. Functional outcomes appear to be equivalent as well. The improvements allow patients to undergo therapy better, work more, and socialize without the unbearable pain.

One of the consistent findings in the recent literature is that epidural steroid injections overall are very effective through either techniques for improving the symptoms from radiculopathy due to a herniated disc. The overall effectiveness is greater than 75%, and some studies have shown upwards of a 90% response rate, particularly in those patients who are symptomatic for less than three months.

One of the overlying conclusions here is that either technique is effective for radiculopathy, but that real-time x-ray guidance should be incorporated to make sure that the epidural steroid medications are being placed most accurately for the benefit of the patient.

Spinal Traction in Chiropractic Medicine

Chiropractic spinal traction therapy is a method of stretching and mobilizing the spine using hands-on or mechanic force. Alleviation in pain is sought with therapeutic spinal traction by loosening tight and/or constricted muscles around the spine, and to help decompress intervertebral discs in order to relieve pressure on the spinal nerve roots, which is a major cause of back and spine related pain.

As with other chiropractic treatments, spinal traction may or may not help alleviate your pain, often times with chiropractic treatment what works on one patient may not be right for others.

Your chiropractor will evaluate your condition and determine if traction, and in what form, is right for you.

There are several types of spinal traction, lumbar or cervical, and whether it is done manually or with a traction device:

繚 Manual cervical traction is performed with the patient lying on the table in the supine position while the chiropractor holds the patients head and gently pulls or turns the head.

繚 Mechanical cervical traction is a device that consists of a head harness and pulley system that utilizes weights to apply the force. The patient may use this device while sitting, lying flat, or in a reclined position. This method of traction is often done at home by the patient themselves after having been properly instructed by the chiropractor in the correct technique.

繚 Manual lumbar traction is performed by the chiropractor by having the patient lay on the treatment table and then gently pulls on the ankles or by putting the patient's legs on the chiropractor's shoulders whereupon they grasp the patient's thighs and pull, or a waist harness may be utilized to apply the force.

繚 Mechanical traction may be performed by use of a split table style traction device that consists of a computer controlled two level table that the patient lays on and grasps two handles while the lower level of the table applies the force by means of attachment of a waist harness. However, when the spine is in a state of deterioration, such as from osteoporosis, spinal traction is not a treatment option. Other conditions that would exclude a patient from utilizing traction include pregnancy, cardiovascular disease, hernia, and in some cases TMJ. Some mechanical spinal traction devices are considered experimental at this point and so your insurance may or may not pay for this treatment.

Spinal traction therapy is often used in conjunction with other forms of chiropractic treatment and physical therapy for maximum benefit.

Five Interesting Facts on Opioids You May Not Know

Reports on opioids in the US continue to elucidate interesting facts on opioid use and abuse. With opioid use at an all time high in the US, more research is being performed to show some of the issues surrounding use. In fact, pain in American now represents an annually $550 billion industry, with approximately 1/3 of citizens currently dealing with a pain problem. The more we know, the better. Here are 5 interesting facts.

1. Research shows narcotic use is higher among the less educated and unemployed. A recent report in the American Journal of Medicine specifically looked at fibromyalgia patients receiving opioids for their pain. There was an increased incidence of unemployment, disability payments, and history of substance abuse. Also, the statistics showed overall lower education and an increased incidence of unstable psychiatric disorders. The study was not small and contained over 450 patients, so the results were most likely valid despite potential statistical variances.

2. Sleep is affected significantly by opioids. A large review of studies was published in Postgraduate Medicine looking at the effect of narcotics on sleeping patterns. What popped out? Well, opioid users displayed significant incidence of insomnia, arousals, and wakefulness. There was also a temporary absence of REM sleep, which is the type of sleep people go into as they go deeper into sleep. So narcotics appear to affect both the quality and quantity of sleep, which is obviously suboptimal for patients who have painful conditions and need sleep for regeneration and healing potential.

3. Patients in chronic pain are likely to take opioids for multiple years. A study done at the Universities of Washington and Arkansas showed when patients are prescribed opioids for chronic pain, they are likely to still be taking them 5 years later. Interestingly, there were 2 factors that lead to the continued usage. One was if the patient had been prescribed the drugs before, and the other was if the patients were prescribed doses in excess of 120 milligrams of morphine. Of note, that is a hefty dose.

4. Older adults can suffer from pneumonia from Opioids. In patients between the ages of 65 and 94, recent research has shown a link between narcotics and pneumonia. The project looked at those patients contracting pneumonia and whether those folks had taken narcotics or benzodiazepines prior to contracting the illness. The results were impressive, with 14% of the patients with pneumonia having taken opioids prior, compared with only 8% in the control group (who did not have pneumonia). Individuals were 3 times more likely to contract pneumonia within the first 2 weeks of taking narcotics.

5. Wounded soldiers often become addicted to painkillers. In a House Appropriations Committee report, it was shown that between 25 to 35% of wounded soldiers become addicted to narcotics while waiting to receive a medical discharge. Most of the time the prescribed medication is Oxycodone. The military is delving into alternatives to narcotics, but unfortunately great ones are simply not available as of yet. Multi-modal pain management treatment with several disciplines involve may be able to eventually decrease this hefty percentage.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Chinese Acupuncture For Neck Pain

Chinese Acupuncture for neck pain involves the insertion of small needles into the skin to reduce or eliminate pain and improve mobility in the cervical region of the spine. Chinese acupuncture is often used to care for problems such as whiplash, muscle stiffness, and facet arthritis (facet syndrome).

Chinese acupuncturists rely on channels called meridians, which they believe serve as pathways for the flow of energy throughout the body. Acupuncturists recognize 12 main meridians and several minor ones. Along these meridians are hundreds of acupuncture points. Acupuncturists believe that the body's energy flows very close to the surface of the skin at these specific points.

The first session with an acupuncture specialist begins with a consultation to figure out the problem with a history and physical to create a tailored plan for treatment. The actual treatments being with acupuncture needles being placed in the neck region along the meridians of the cervical spine. The needles may also be placed around the patient's ears for pain relief.

During the procedure, patients lay face down on a comfortable table and the treatment areas are sterilized. The acupuncturist then carefully inserts needles into various skin areas. the acupuncturist may also attach a device called an electrical nerve stimulator, which sends small electrical impulses which can provide substantial pain relief and increase the effectiveness of the treatment. This is similar to a TENS unit treatment.

The acupuncturist's goal is to restore the proper balance of energy throughout the body. Acupuncture is safe and can by highly effective. Best results are typically achieved with multiple treatments.

Herniated Discs in Dogs and Treatment Options

What a Herniated Disc Is

The disc that sets between the spinal vertebrae ruptures when the dog has a herniated disc. When the disc ruptures the gel-like material on the inside of it seeps out. This material then can become hardened and calcified, which lessens its shock-absorption ability. Pressure can cause this hardened substance to explode or bulge into the spinal canal nearby, where the spinal cord is located. This is the process that is known as herniation. This can result in pain and elevate to feeling loss or paralysis.

Treatment Options for Herniated Discs in Dogs

There is more than one treatment option for the dogs when a herniated disc happens. If the dog is still moving then prednisone can be given to the dog. Treatment with this will lessen the swelling around the spinal cord which is causing the pain and making it unpleasant for the dog to move. This treatment can take the place of surgery sometimes. The dog should not however stay on this treatment too long because steroids like the prednisone can have negative side effects that can cause the dog problems.

The veterinarian could instead recommend limited activity and rest for the dog. This will decrease the amount of stress that dog's back is being put through. Of course this treatment and the prednisone are only for mild cases where the dog can still walk.

In the event your dog cannot walk or other treatments have not worked, the doctor will most likely want to operate. He will order various diagnostic procedures to be preformed first though. This surgery will help take the pressure off the dog's spinal cord which is brought on by the hardened gel and other debris.

A great percentage of the dogs do quite well with the surgery, if the nerve damage is not too severe and it is caught soon enough. Rehabilitation is also part of this treatment. Rehabilitation for dogs could involve exercises and underwater treadmills to improve muscular strength. This could also improve how the dog in functioning neurologically.

The major problem with herniated discs is that they can keep happening. As long as there is a healthy disc left it can become herniated. There are some breeds of dogs that have more of a tendency towards this problem than others. The body weight should be kept down in the dogs that are predisposed to this problem. Any dog is good physical health can recover from this problem better than one in poor physical condition.

Also instead of regular neck collars use the chest harness kind. The neck collars can cause stress on the neck. The dogs also should not have jarring motions happen to the back such as jumping off of the furniture.

When you are suspecting problems contact the veterinarian immediately.

7 Crucial Steps to Creating a Prosperous Business

1. Hire experts to do what you are not good at!

If you are an expert in your field and really good at what you do - why waste your time trying to figure out how to do things you

a. Don't know...

b. Are not good at...

c. Don't have time for?

For example, I love designing websites and marketing materials, as an artist, I just love it. I happened to be born with an artistic gene,

I am an expert at designing and developing websites that are marketing machines.

I have been in this industry for over a decade. I have experience so I am a great consultant. I can draw up marketing plans like nobodies business, but...

Programming is not my talent and it is not my niche...

I tried when I first started as a web developer and found I just am not the programming type - it took me days to accomplish what it takes a programmer an hour to do. Being in this business so long I have some very good connections. When I have to have some heavy programming done I don't do it myself I hire the best...

Saves me time, stress and ultimately saves me money.

2. Prepare - have a plan.

I have seen so many people just decide one day to have an online business and they don't do the preparation needed to really have a solid foundation.

You need to write out your goals and then put it into a business plan. Write out what your goals are and a detailed map of how you are going to get to your goal.

When you get to the point you need a website - what type do you need?

a. Do you want to use you website to market your business?

b. Do you have a product or services you want to sell?

C. Do you want to put up a portfolio?

Would a blog be what you need or do you need both...

You get my point.

3. Have the right image!

If you truly want to develop a successful business, a solid foundation is one of the most important things you can do. It will be the springboard where all your success will come from.

What do I mean by "The Right Image"?

Well that will depend a bit on what it is you are doing. First your business does need a website - I may sound like a broken record but - it is true!

People use the internet as a research tool to learn about businesses in their area - or to see who to go to for products and services - so you need to look professional.

Secondly the website, your business cards and all marketing materials must be branded and attract your target market.

If you are in a business that deals with children and parents it will look quite a bit different than a business that is for the Adult - Professional world.

Branding means to have all marketing materials, website, ads etc have the same images, colors, flavor, and feeling that you want to portray to your customers/clients.

Last but certainly not least - when meeting people in person make sure you make a good impression - dress so you look like a successful business owner - be polite and always remember you never know who it is you are talking to - it may be the person that will open the door to a flood of clients.

4. Be prepared to work.

Business is hard work - it is fun and challenging as well - but it is not going to be a piece of cake. Be prepared to put the time in especially in the beginning when you are trying to get established.

Realize that when you own your own business you and you alone will be responsible for the success or failure of your business.

Failure comes when someone is not ready to put in the work, or does not do their due diligence.  Failure comes in when you give up - because things are not going as you thought they would. Failure comes when things are not working, but you still keep doing what you are doing.

Remember - you may need to change course from time to time that is just the way businesses grow.

The difference between success and failure is that the successful person, will stumble and fall at times but they get up dust off the disappointment and figures out a way to solve the problem.

The unsuccessful person stumbles or falls and doesn't get up - decides life is against them "so why try?".

I don't care what you have heard - if you think you will be making big bucks with very little time invested think again.

5. Networking the back bone of any business - network!

I am sure you have heard the saying "it isn't what you know but who you know" - I believe that is only half true - it is "what you know and who you know". That is the beauty of going to networking events or accessing web 2.0 sites and getting to know people on-line.

It really is amazing what you can accomplish when you are networking with the right people.

6. Money is made and lost through relationships...

If you only have your eyes on you and what others can do for you, than you my friend will find that you will be on the losing end of #5

7. Sell - Sell - Sell

A lot of people really have a negative image of a sales person - it congers up someone that is insincere at best and a crook at worst.

Nothing can be farther from the truth. A good sales person believes in what she/he has to sell and considers it something that will make that persons life a little better.

When you are authentic - then you believe in your product and service. When you believe in what you are doing than it is just natural that you will be excited and enthusiastic about getting the word out to every one that can benefit.

Have you ever heard "Your mouth is your business it should always be opened"? Funny saying but it is really true - please don't go overboard and bore people to tears by just talking about you and you business - but where appropriate talk!

Find solutions for people that need your expertise. It's all about balance - and (where appropriate) don't forget to ask for the sell.

Now get out there and show what you are made of...

Spinal Decompression Therapy Relieves Back and Neck Pain

Spinal Decompression Therapy is designed to relieve pressure on joints, nerves, and intervertebral discs. It may be used to treat a wide range of problems, improving function and optimizing patient health. Spinal Decompression Treatment starts with a consultation with a chiropractic doctor who fully evaluates the patient with a history, and detailed musculoskeletal examination.

The patient may need imaging studies prior to commencing treatment. Once it's clear that the patient is safe to start treatment, the individual is positioned either face up (supine) or face down (prone) on the table according to the condition being treated. At times, placing the position in one position may be more painful than another so it's great to have the option.

If the patient is receiving lumbar spinal decompression, the patient holds on to hand grips and a pelvic harness is placed around the patient to apply the intermittent traction. If the patient is receiving cervical spinal decompression, the patient is positioned with their torso slightly elevated and a cervical harness applying traction underneath the areas of the mastoid. The elevation decreases shear forces and prevents the patient from being pulled off the table (the forces are fairly gentle).

During the procedure, the table is stretched apart as the intermittent traction occurs. It is not continuous spinal traction, rather intermittent so as to prevent the paraspinal muscles from spasm and guarding. Disc pressure is relieved and within the disc negative pressure is created. Nutrients and oxygen and blood flow are pulled in, allowing substances for healing of damaged regions.

Nerves that are being pinched as they exit the spinal column, from spinal stenosis or a disc herniation, may be relieved as the decompression allows for more room for the nerves to exit.

Spinal decompression is safe and may be beneficial for acute and chronic neck and back pain. A series of sessions are typical and may provide lasting pain relief.

Top 9 Epidural Side Effects for Back Pain Treatment

Epidural steroid injections are commonly used for the treatment of back pain. It injects a powerful anti-inflammatory with a local anesthetic pain relief medicine directly around the spinal nerves, providing immediate pain relief. However, even the best drugs in the world are not without the dreadful side effects. Side effects from epidural steroid injections are rare but not uncommon. No more than 3 doses of treatment should be given within a 12 months period with each treatment spaced at least 2 months apart from each other.

  1. Infection -Infections occurring are rare nowadays due to the advanced technique and the usage of sterile needles. They are extremely unusual, occurring only less than 0.5%. However, patients suffering from diabetes are at a higher risk.

  2. Bleeding -Bleeding is also unusual and patients who are suffering from bleeding disorders or taking blood thinning medications are not allowed to be given epidural steroid injections. Their spinal cord can be compressed and could lead to serious consequences, possibly even death.

  3. Dural tears -It is a very common side effect which occurs in 1% to 2% of all reported cases. The dural is accidentally punctured with the needle and results in the patient suffering from headache. The needle punctured dural reduces the amount of cerebrospinal fluid pressure which in turns causes a spinal headache and is improved when the patient lies down. It will usually go away by itself in a couple of days.

  4. Nerve damage -It is an extremely rare side effect but has been reported. The injection needle injures the spinal nerves which are compressed, resulting in either temporary or worse permanent damage.

  5. Blood sugar -Blood sugar levels especially in patients suffering from diabetes have been reported.

  6. Allergy reaction -Patients have reported to be allergic to the medication present in the injection and this is normally due to the preservative in the medication and not with the active ingredient itself.

  7. Weakening of muscles -Steroid myopathy which is effectively the weakening of thigh muscles has been reported. Cases are rare.

  8. Facial redness -Occasionally, patients have reported to suffer from facial redness after the injection. The effects usually subside in a couple of hours, at most a few days and are not serious.

  9. Fevers -Patients have also reported having low grade fever after injection and this is due to the body's natural defence mechanism reacting with the steroid. It is nothing serious and will go away on this own.

Long term side effects from epidural steroid injections are uncommon and the side effects are usually non critical, however do not be complacent and always seek the help of a qualified medical practitioner if any complication arises.

Discover the Best Ways to Help a Herniated Disc Naturally and Effectively

There are many highly effective and natural ways to help a herniated disc. These ways will often totally unravel the problem you have, leaving you free of back pain and back troubles. However, you need to know the best natural ways and what a herniated disc is, for better understanding.

A herniated disc, also known as a prolapsed disc, a ruptured disc and mistakenly, a slipped disc. Mistakenly, as a herniated disc is not a disc that has slipped out of place. It is a protrusion (or hernia) of the inner part of the disc. Often this presses on the spinal nerve, causing sciatica or nerve related pain down your leg.

The cause of a herniated disc can come from an injury, such as from constantly lifting heavy objects from a position of a bent back. Or it can come about because you have a weakness in your back and the extra strain of an insignificant back movement was the cause.

Whatever the cause, the natural modality of health care homeopathy, probably offers you one of the best ways to totally resolve your back problem.

Homeopathy is a very powerful modality of complete and natural health care. It works by matching your unique and personal symptoms and causes to the most appropriate treatment. This treatment then acts as a catalyst to stimulate your immune system to work more efficiently.

Your good health totally depends on the action (or not) of your immune system. This then enables you to cure you. And this is the only true form of healing or cure. It must come from within you. Nothing outside of you can ever cure you. It can only ever put you in the best possible position for you to cure you.

And homeopathy puts you in that perfect position.

Although help for a herniated disc is best left to the skills of a professional homeopath, homeopathy is a highly flexible modality of health care. In addition to professional help, you can learn some basic skills to home prescribe for those minor (and non-so-minor) ailments than occur on a daily basis in any healthy family.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Can a Chiropractor Help With My Sciatica?

Once you know your leg and back pain are actually caused by sciatica, you may wonder if you can see a chiropractor for some relief. You know that a chiropractor can help with other back pain, why not sciatica? First off, you must know if your condition is acute, or chronic. The chromic form lasts for more than six weeks, and is causing other symptoms aside from your leg pain or back pain, you should consult a doctor to make certain you don't have any serious conditions that are creating your nerve pain. However, short term, or the acute form, which lasts for less than six weeks, can usually be targeted effectively with some form of chiropractic manipulations.

Spinal manipulation for acute pain has been shown to be quite effective at relieving the painful symptoms of sciatica, provided the diagnosis is for the short term, or acute condition. Your chiropractor may recommend a combination of his or her spinal articulations on your synovial joints in the office, as well as outlining some exercises that may be done at home. The adjustments given in a chiropractic office can help with the acute pain caused by your condition, along with the exercise you should be giving your body to stretch out your muscles and train your joints to move again. You should always talk to your general practitioner before you start on any form of therapy or exercise routine, to make sure it is safe for you to do so.

Seeing a chiropractor after you have been diagnosed with the acute form of this condition can ensure you are getting a drug-free form of treatment, though if your pain is severe enough, you can ask your general practitioner what options there are for over the counter or prescription drugs. However, seeing a chiropractor for spinal manipulations is a good alternative if you can't take strong painkillers due to work or for other reasons. A good chiropractor can usually be found in your vicinity, can be recommended by friends and family. Make sure you do your research, and ask if they have had any experience with patients that are experiencing acute sciatica. The recommendation of friends or family that have seen a chiropractor for their own sciatica are usually the ones to most closely heed; they can tell you who they have seen and if the treatments helped. Seeing a chiropractor may give you the relief you are looking for.

Why Do Men Around the World Rely on the Swedish Massage?

Swedish massage is known as the "traditional" massage - when people say they're getting a massage, this is probably what you think of. They're known for their long, flowing strokes, and are designed to alleviate a number of health issues.

I wanted to take the opportunity to tell you a little bit more about Swedish massages, and its advantages.

This special type of soft tissue manipulation can have many benefits, including:

o Improved blood circulation: This type of massage can help dilate the blood vessels in your body. This causes increased circulation, which allows your body to expel the toxins that build up. This results in a fitter, healthier you!

o Injury prevention: We mentioned that this type of massage can be a great way to expel the toxins that build up in your body. In addition to your overall health, it can also be a great way to protect against injury and muscle spasms, and boost the immune system.

o Increased flexibility: Massage can help you carefully expand your flexibility.

Other benefits include:

o Massages release endorphins
o Reduce pain
o Build weak muscles
o Causes muscles to be more durable
o Causes you to slow your breathing
o Improves digestion

But most of all...

But most importantly, a Swedish Massage just makes you feel great! It relaxes your whole body. Many of our clients find that the stresses of their everyday life just seem to slip away.

Comparison with other massages:

Swedish Massage is notable as an "overall body" massage. Other massages (such as the ones offered at our spa) tend to focus on more specific parts of the body. For instance, a Reflexology massage focuses exclusively on the feet, hands and ears. A deep tissue massage focuses on the muscles more deeply than would be appropriate in a Swedish Massage.

Alternative Therapies Offer Safe Tension Headache Relief

In today's fast paced, hectic society, just about everyone has suffered from some form of a headache. A tension headache is generally fairly moderate, and may be described as feeling like a tight belt around the head. These types of headaches can last for as little as 30 minutes, or they can last for several days. The difference of time determines whether the tension headache is classified as episodic or chronic.

Some 30-80% of the general adult population will suffer from occasional headaches; whereas only 3% of the adult population will suffer from chronic daily tension headaches. Females are twice as likely to get them as compared to men, with headaches in general affecting women more than men.

The causes of headaches are varied. There is no genetic predisposition (inherited trait) for tension headaches; they can strike anyone at anytime. The causes can generally be traced back to stress and tension in everyday life. Emotional anxiety and distress can also bring on this type of headache. Other contributing factors include poor posture, overexertion, fatigue and lack of rest, and also hunger.

There are also a wide variety of stress factors that can trigger a headache. Some examples are; job loss or problems, having a child, going on vacation, competing in sports, being overweight, no close friends, romance or marriage problems. The list is really endless, as humans are complex emotional creatures.

Headache symptoms are; mild to moderate pain on the top, sides, or back of the head; irritability, chronic fatigue, insomnia, inability to concentrate, mild sensitivity to light or noise, or general muscle aches.

Traditional medical treatments include pain relievers, antidepressants, muscle relaxants. Most of the pain relievers are OTC (over-the-counter), although in more severe cases the doctor will recommend prescription-strength painkillers (drugs). It should be noted that powerful pain drugs do not cure tension headaches, they simply relieve the symptoms. Changing lifestyles may go more to the root cause of headaches. Additionally, these drugs all have serious side effects, which should be taken into account.

Alternative Medicine for Tension Headaches

There are alternative therapies and treatments available. Some of these are biofeedback, acupuncture and acupressure, Reiki therapy, massage therapy, light therapy, homeopathy, and general relaxation and meditation techniques. But a highly effective treatment for tension headaches that is often overlooked is chiropractic care.

As mentioned previously, traditional medical approaches to relieving of headache pain involve the use of painkiller drugs. These drugs only relieve the symptoms of headaches. On the other hand, chiropractic treatment of headaches may get to the root cause of the problem, thus the chiropractic approach may actually be considered a cure for tension headaches, rather than treatment or care.

Our neck muscles are very susceptible to tension, and the trained chiropractor can, by neck and muscle manipulation, ' release' the trapped energy in the neck and gently realign any vertebral misalignments, which is in turn may be causing the headache. While it is true that stress is part of life, in the final analysis it may not be the stress itself causing the tension headache, but rather how the body reacts or adapts to that stress.

Chiropractic care can train and instruct the patient on how to adapt to and manage difficult situations. In fact, chiropractic spinal and neck manipulation have been demonstrated in clinical trials to alleviate headache pain just as effectively as drug painkillers, and the effects were longer lasting. Other studies have shown a 50% reduction in the severity of a tension headache after only ten minutes of spinal manipulation.

Your Doctor of Chiropractic will also recommend different lifestyle changes, as well as nutritional changes, in addition to spinal and neck manipulation. Ergonomic (work postures), specific exercises, and relaxation techniques may also be added to your repertoire of headache pain relief modalities.

Chiropractic care may be your best bet for headache relief!

Free Chiropractic Marketing With A Facebook Fan Page

A doctor asked me the other day "do I have to use my Facebook fan page?" My question is why wouldn't you? Especially if you already have one set up. Trust me; there are other chiropractors who do have one, maybe your competitor right around the corner has one...have you checked? If you don't mind letting someone take your potential patients, then that's your choice.

But seriously; why would you toss away a free platform to promote your chiropractic practice? That's right I said free!

A Facebook fan page is free. I'm not talking about Facebook ads; DO NOT confuse "fan page" with the advertising that you can do through Facebook. Facebook ads and a Facebook fan page are two separate marketing tools. One is totally free and the other is a very affordable way to advertise, but first things first; get a fan page created for your practice. To further complicate the issue, don't confuse a profile page with a fan page.

Allow me to unpack this free chiropractic marketing phenomenon for you.

A Facebook profile page is simply a personal page about you. You may already have one or maybe not. If you don't have a Facebook profile page set up, you do not have to have one in order to create a fan page, however if you already have one, then you will see later how this will benefit your fan page.

A Facebook fan page is a page set up for people to find and "like" if they so choose, but more importantly it is a perfect place to advertise and market your chiropractic office.

Think of your profile page as a personal page about you. Through the profile page you connect with family, friends, long lost friends from college, high school and your hometown. Think of your fan page as a business page about your practice. A person can have only one profile page but can have several fan pages; more on that topic later.

For the time let's assume you already have a profile page with just your name. From your profile page if you type the word "pages" in your Facebook search bar and press enter, you will be directed to a page with a whole slew of Facebook pages. At the top right hand corner you will see a button that says "create page". You will then be directed to another page where you will choose what type of page you wish to create. To make this simple; if you are a chiropractor in Anytown, USA then it's safe to say that you will select the "Local Business or Place" button. You will then be asked to choose a category. There are many to choose from; for a chiropractic office I would say the category would be "local business". You will then proceed with filling in the blanks; name, address, phone.

NOTE: When filling out the name; this will be the page name, please understand that you cannot change this later so be careful to choose wisely. The name of your practice would be an obvious choice; but...what about the town you're located in? If you were looking for a chiropractor close to your home (yes, people look for things on Facebook!) what would you type in the search box? I would suggest doing some test searches on Facebook first. But for now it's safe to say; you will want to include your town name and state in the page name. Example: Amazing Chiropractic, Anytown, ST.

You will be asked to check the box agreeing to Facebook terms. Once completed you will press enter and you should now be looking at your new Facebook fan page.

Congratulations! You're now the proud owner of a Facebook fan page. From here you will be able to find the "edit page" link on the left side of the page, under the profile picture area. Don't worry; Facebook has step by step instructions for you to follow.

In about an hour's time you will have your page set up and ready to go. Use it for all it's worth too. Pack your information page with all of your practice's information. Hours of operation, directions, services and products you offer. If you have a website you should include that information too. Then later you can add the Facebook logo to your website so your website visitors can find you on Facebook.

Remember, I mentioned how your profile page could benefit you; this is how. You can share your new page with all of your friends so they will begin to follow you. In addition, you will want to tell your patients about your Facebook page so they can join in the fun and keep up with your important status updates.

I also mentioned the idea of more than one fan page; why would you want to have more than one? Do you offer massage or spinal decompression in your office? Yes, I am suggesting that you can have a fan page for those services too. But for now I suggest you build this page and then look into the Facebook advertising to expand your chiropractic marketing portfolio even further.

Herniated Disc Symptoms - Indicators Of Hernitated Disc Problems

A herniated disc occurs in the lower back and is often referred to as a pinched nerve, a slipped disc, or as throwing your back out. It can be incredibly painful and lead to chronic pain that never really goes away. Common herniated disc symptoms include, a shooting type pain in the lower back, sometimes only one side of the body as well as weakness in the legs, feet or toes. Usually the pain tends to intensify when standing and is slightly relieved when laying down. Doctors usually want to perform surgery on patients who have herniated discs but there are a number of reasons why this isn't necessarily the best option.

Surgery is a very serious thing to undergo and there isn't any type of guarantee that there won't be further issues or complications after the procedure. There are other methods to try and cope with the pain of herniated disc symptoms. One of which is spinal decompression therapy. It is a non-surgical option that aids those who have a herniated disc with ways to manage and even alleviate pain. This has been known to work on the pain in various parts of the body created from a herniated disc, whether it is the neck, legs, or feet.

This type of therapy is offered in many different chiropractic offices. It is important that you see a chiropractor who is familiar with the techniques and adjustments that help those who suffer from herniated discs. Not all chiropractors are knowledgeable in this specific area so it's imperative that you verify that the chiropractor you are going to knows exactly what they are doing. Spinal decompression therapy is also FDA approved as a viable alternative to dangerous and invasive back surgery. Even those who continue to experience strong back pain post surgery are advised to try this alternate method to lessen and possibly diminish their back pain.

Spinal decompression is effective because it uses traction. By doing this there is an opposite and negative pressure that positions itself on the herniated disc. Another great thing about this option is that it is only 10% of the cost of the surgery so it is definitely the economically favored option. There are just so many reasons why at least trying this option is better than letting a surgeon cut open your back.

Back pain is a horrible thing to deal with on a continual basis and herniated disc symptoms are not mild nor are they pleasant. The back, leg, and neck pain can sometimes be so excruciating that any type of relief would be appreciated. Many doctors' first instincts are to prescribe medication and to cut. These are not always the best options for every patient though.

Do your research and find out whether spinal decompression therapy is the right choice for you. It has helped so many different people cope with their herniated disc symptoms and has even completely eliminated the pain for others. What do you really have to lose aside from all of your discomfort and back pain?

Piriformis Syndrome - Hip Pain, Back Pain, and Loss of Feeling Down to the Feet

One cause of back pain that actually does not involve a degeneration or injury to the tissues of the spine is referred to as piriformis syndrome. This disorder actually affects the sciatic nerve as it travels deep through the hips. The piriformis muscle crosses over the sciatic nerve as the nerve travels down from the lower back through the hips and then down the length of the leg to the foot. When the muscle puts excess pressure on the nerve, chronic feelings of pain and numbness can result from the compressive forces.

This syndrome is common in runners, people who bicycle often, and can be found in the general public as well. The piriformis muscle compresses the sciatic nerve near the site of the rotator muscles of the hip, resulting in pain and a loss of feeling. The first sign of the syndrome is a chronic ache in the hips or numbness that that be felt deep in the hips and progress down the leg or even all the way down to the foot. Typically, only one side of the body is affected, as the sciatic nerve branches out from the lower back to either leg.

With piriformis syndrome, the pain can be chronic and be felt when moving, running, walking, or even sitting down. Sitting is one activity where the sciatic nerve is directly compressed by the piriformis muscle. We have all had the experience of sitting in one position or another for too long and our entire leg falls asleep. That is the sciatic nerve "turning off" due to pressure being placed on it at the hip. Thankfully, for the vast majority of us, this is a temporary numbness and only an annoyance, but for some people it is a painful chronic condition.

Pain and discomfort can also extend upwards into the lower back and people may feel as if their lower back is the site of the injury instead of the hips. This can make diagnosing piriformis syndrome difficult for doctors, as they have to take into account the possibility that the problem is caused by a herniated disc or otherwise compressed spinal disc that may cause numbness down the length of the sciatic nerve. This is why doctors may have x-rays or an MRI done on a patient with piriformis syndrome -- to rule out the possibility of a more serious back injury.

Treatment for the disorder typically involves reducing physical activities that place pressure on the sciatic nerve. This may mean standing up more if sitting causes discomfort, as well as taking a few days or weeks off of running or biking. Anti-inflammatory medications may help to reduce swelling if there is any injury or trauma to the piriformis muscle. Stretching and strengthening exercises may be recommended for some people who can move with little discomfort, in order to strengthen and improve the tissue quality of the muscle. And the good news is that surgery is extremely rare for this disorder.

For many people suffering from piriformis syndrome, the chronic feeling of numbness traveling down the leg to the foot may be extremely uncomfortable. Thankfully, that cause of the problem is well known and often responds to treatment and rest. The muscle can be relaxed, stretched, and strengthened so that it does not cause excess pressure anymore, and the nerve can heal quickly so that normal feeling returns once the muscle has relaxed. So while the pain may be chronic once the muscle clenches and applies pressure to the nerve, it does not have to be a permanent source of discomfort for many people.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Patient Emotional Health Extremely Important for Post-Operative Functional Outcomes

Research on the functional results after surgery as it relates to a patient's emotional health shows a definitive link. Multiple studies over the last few years in the literature show the connection between a patient's emotional well being and how it influences the postoperative functional recovery.

This link has been highlighted in areas such as joint reconstruction, spine surgery, trauma, and sports medicine. Patients who have a lower emotional health have a higher risk of not improving functionally as much as they should after surgery. This risk stands across multiple demographics including gender, socioeconomic background, and age.

So what exactly does emotional health include? Emotional well being refers to whether the patient tends to be anxious, has less coping skills and social support, and potentially lives with a low-grade depression. This low-grade depression is not one where the patient physically is undergoing treatment for it, but it's a part of who they are.

In addition patients overload their emotional coping skills and have a tendency toward poor social support. So how are surgeons supposed to identify patients who are either living with a reduced emotional well being or on the brink of an emotional health breakdown post-operatively? One of the best ways is for the surgeon to spend time discussing these areas with their patients that could put them at high risk.

This may include discussing such issues as anxiety, depression, and discussing potential poor coping skills which may definitely come into existence when someone has to cope with just having had a major musculoskeletal surgery. There are some patient questionnaires that can help identify patients at increased risk for lower emotional well being, and may include the SF 36 or the SF 12.

It is unclear then, if a patient tends to be at high risk for a reduced emotional well being, whether to intervene preoperatively to try and help with this issue or to change the postoperative course to try and get a better chance of recovery functionally. Currently, there are studies being funded by in NIH that are ongoing and looking at the aspects of emotional health as it relates to surgical outcomes.

It may be that if the patient is deemed to be at risk for an emotional well being issue, then there can be more post operative resources devoted to that patient's emotional health which can help improve their functional outcomes. Here's an example. This patient has some low grade depression that is picked up and activated by the surgery, then maybe that patient is unable to perform the full amount of physical therapy multiple days for week due to being depressed.

Noticing that before surgery and increasing resources to help increase that patients emotional health postoperatively can allow a patient to do the necessary rehab. Unfortunately most patients consider orthopedic surgeons to be high technology and low on the emotional scale. So it may be that additional ancillary support is necessary to help in these situations.

Patients want to be seen as people, and not diseases, and unfortunately in medicine all too often that is what occurs. Physicians, in order to cope with the magnitude of disease that they see on a daily basis, tend to place patients into categories and ignore a lot of the emotion associated with the patient's underlying mindset. One of the things that has been proposed to help with the emotional health of patients is to utilize a multidisciplinary approach for postoperative care that includes counselors, psychologists, social workers and other additional ancillary support.

And it stands right now, a patient's emotional health is an extremely subjective matter. Hopefully as more research is performed it will be possible to identify those who are in need of additional support and with new research potentially identify how exactly to help the patient to increase their functional outcomes along with reducing pain.

MSM Combats Seasonal Allergies And Hay Fever In A Big Way

Seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR) affects more than 25 million Americans each year and current studies indicate the problem of seasonal allergies is on the rise.

Numerous clinical observations and case studies have led researchers to propose that methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) may help to significantly reduce the symptoms of SAR.

In a study conducted in 2002, fifty people with chronic SAR, completed a study. They consumed 2600 mg of MSM per day. As part of the study, respiratory symptoms, energy levels and immune and inflammatory reactions were measured. All of the participants noted remarkable improvement and tests performed on the individuals in the study measured and confirmed that the use of the supplement MSM had made a physically distinctive rectification of SAR symptoms.

The results of the study suggest that MSM supplementation of 2600 mg per day for 30 days may help reduce the symptoms of SAR; additionally few side effects are associated with the use of MSM.

(information obtained for this article was found in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Feb.2003, Vol. 9, No. 1: 15-16)

A PERSONAL NOTE: I have used MSM as a supplement regimen for 10 years. I have been a chronic hay fever sufferer all of my life, and I discovered that using MSM stopped the runny itchy eyes and scratchy throat during the hay fever season. I still sneeze but the more irritating side effects of hay fever have been chiefly eliminated.

For more information on MSM and other supplements go to

How Does Degenerative Disc Disease Lead to Spinal Arthritis?

As one ages, the spinal intervertebral disc undergoes significant changes. Normally the intervertebral disk is comprised of 80% water. With age, that percentage begins to decrease and the spinal disc begins to lose hydration and undergo degeneration.

Some discs undergo rapid degeneration and that can lead to degenerative disc disease. This may or may not lead to pain. The disc can lose height from lack of water, and it can also start to bulge similar to a tire that is getting flat and bulging. Disc degeneration is diagnosed from either x-rays or an MRI, which can be ordered by a Pain Management Doctor.

Just because a person has degeneration present of spinal discs does not mean pain is inevitable as there are many individuals walking around with discs that are dehydrating, degenerating, and bulging but not causing any pain at all.

As the spinal disc continues to degenerate, it can lead to a cascade of degenerative spinal arthritis that occurs as follows. As the disc loses water and degenerates, it loses disc height. The joints behind the disc space, called facet joints, begin to experience abnormal stresses as the disc becomes defective in its ability to absorb stresses. These stresses go to the rest of the spinal elements at the affected level, in this case the facet joints.

The facet joints begin to degenerate and become arthritic, this involves overgrowth of bone around the joint and further pain. Because the degenerative disc is not always affected symmetrically, the patient may end up with scoliosis due to the degeneration that continues to build on itself.

Treatments for degenerative disc disease are multiple. They are all quality of life treatments, as degenerative disc disease and spinal arthritis are not life threatening. Pain management doctors offer facet injections, nucleoplasty, physical therapy, spinal decompression therapy, bracing, radiofrequency ablation, among other treatments. Surgery should be considered as an absolute last resort.

Degenerative Disc Disease - A Guide To Understanding Its Symptoms And Treatment

Degenerative disc disease is characterized by severe lower back pain. The symptoms of degenerative spine are easy for a person to recognize, the most common being stiffness and tingling in the spine. It is also one of the most misunderstood diseases. Degenerative disc is not actually a disease, but a term used to explain the normal changes that occur in your spinal discs as you grow with age.

Healthy spinal discs are extremely elastic and can be compressed. They separate the interlocked bones that make up the spine. Discs are responsible for absorbing shock that is caused to the spine, making it flexible, and able to bend and twist. As the discs get older, they become less elastic and problems occur.

Degenerative discs can occur anywhere along the spine, but the highest probability is for them to occur in the lower back--also called the lumbar region--and the neck--also called the cervical region.

The symptoms of degenerative disc disease are numerous. The most common symptoms are stiffness, pain and restricted activity, and depending on the nerve root affected, the pain can occur in the neck, legs and knees. In most cases, the symptoms are of mild pain, but sometimes there is deep pain that often increases when the joint is moved, and lessens when the joint has fully warmed up.

Intense pain is caused by compression of the nerves, which occurs when the spinal disc gets thinner. As a result, the space between the bones narrows. Sometimes, in severe cases, bone and nerve compression is caused that, apart from causing pain, also gives a burning sensation, numbness, and tingling. An extreme case can be that the organs connected to these nerves become diseased, with the seriousness depending on the way degeneration is caused in the discs.

Patients showing symptoms of degenerative spine complain of chronic pain in the lower back along with intermittent attacks of low back pain. These small episodes of pain from disc degeneration can last from a few days to a few months. The amount of chronic pain varies and can range from being a simple irritation to serious pain, disabling the affected person. In some cases the pain can become intense and then return to a low level or disappear entirely. Activities like bending, lifting and twisting can worsen the pain while activities like walking and running can give some relief rather than sitting for a long time. It is recommended to change positions frequently. Lying down is the best option. The symptoms and treatment for degenerative spine disease are covered further in more articles at []

However, in an active person aged between 30 and 40, the pain should not be severe and persistent. If it is, then medical advice should be sought. If degenerative disc disease is the cause of the pain, then ignoring the pain will only lead to the pain getting worse as time goes on. With the range of excellent treatments for back pain now including exercise, medicine and a range of surgical procedures there is no need to allow the pain to continue. A consultation with your doctor will enable you to consider the best treatment options for the type of back pain you are suffering from.

Herniated Disc Treatment Options You Should Consider

Without the require for any kind of herniated disc exercises and herniated disc treatment, many research have revealed that the the vast majority of herniated disc cases and its symptoms will deal with themselves in about six weeks. Noticeable development was confirmed in 73% of patients after 12 weeks even without surgery. Naturally, as a result of chemical radiculitis, a doctor may prescribe NSAIDs to relieve lower back pain. Prolonged use of NSAIDs however, may bring about cardiovascular and gastrointestinal health complications.

Epidural Steroid Injections. These have been observed to give only temporary alleviation in a few selected instances and may also lead to serious side effects. Precisely focusing on TNF to reduce discomfort, etanercept is one medication that is in its experimental stage. However, if employed as part of a herniated disk treatment, it may be a very costly answer for any patient.

Chiropractic Care. Medical trials on osteopathic and chiropractic spinal manipulation have generated contradicting results. Though allowed for patients who have encountered relief with this procedure, the WHO has disapproved spinal manipulation in cases of frank disc herniation accompanied by signs of progressive neurological deficiencies.

Spinal Decompression. This is an appealing treatment that has displayed efficiency in providing alleviation not only to disc herniation patients but also to chronic lower back pain caused by other problems. Usually mistaken for typical traction, spinal decompression involves accumulating negative pressure into the spine that would draw extruded materials back into the disc center. This is specifically productive in sciatica. An in depth discussion on spinal decompression can be seen in the page.

Surgery. This is done as well for slipped disc treatment, is only considered when all conventional treatment choices have been taken and healing of the disc herniation and pain alleviation has not been achieved. In instances of significant neurological deficits like caude equina syndrome, surgery may also be necessary. The goals of surgery are the relief of nerve compression (in order to improve healing of the afflicted nerve), alleviation from the accompanying back pain, and the repair of normal function in the patient.

The following are surgical choices for herniated discs:

  • Discectomy/Microdiscectomy - Nerve compression alleviation;

  • Hemilaminectomy/Laminectomy - Performed to ease compressed nerve and address spinal stenosis;

  • Chemonucleolysis: Conducted to fix protruding, bulging, or ripped discs;

  • Lumbar fusion - Patients with repeating lumbar disc herniations should undertake this procedure;

  • Dynamic stabilization - Uses bendable materials to strengthen the spine if it is affected by degenerative variations;

  • Intradiscal Electrothermal Therapy (IDET) - A heat probe is used to shrink disc tissues and cauterize small disc nerves;

  • Nucleoplasty - Tissues in the nucleus pulposus are ablated and taken away using Coblation簧 technology and this disc decompression procedure is minimally invasive

Artificial Disc Replacement. The stem cell therapy is one type of herniated disc treatment presently being researched. Intervertebral disc degeneration can be stopped or partial regrowth of the disc is plausible with the autogenic mesenchymal stem cells being experimented on animal specimens.