Monday, August 5, 2013

Disc Degeneration & Herniated Discs - Correct Diagnosis & Chiropractic Adjustments Bring Pain Relief

As a Chiropractor in Plano, Texas, I hear a lot of misinformation from my patients in regards to herniated discs and disc degeneration. This led me to write this article about some of the myths and truths in regards to herniated discs. I truly believe that there are a lot of assumed myths about disc injuries which add considerably to the diagnostic nocebo effect of a suspected bulging disc. As a Doctor of Chiropractic I feel it's our duty to provide accurate diagnosis and treatment for patients that have these issues. Patients need the facts and solutions so that they can seek optimal health instead of waiting until it becomes a crisis and they have a worse problem on their hands. I'm amazed at how many times people wait until they've exhausted all the "do it yourself" treatments and remedies before they finally come to realization that they need professional help. So let's look at some of the myths and facts that you might have heard.


* All herniations are painful.

* Only older people suffer from disc degeneration.

* Most herniated discs require surgery.

* All herniated discs cause pinched nerves.

* All herniations are the result of injury.

* If you have a herniated disc, then that's where your back pain is coming from.

Facts you should know about herniated discs and disc degeneration:

* Herniated discs can induce pain in some cases, but with proper treatment, will typically resolve themselves over 2-3 months of time.

* Degenerated discs have abnormal blood supply.

* Degenerated discs have more nerve supply than normal discs.

* Range of motion is reduced in degenerated discs.

* Opting for major back surgery for a herniated disc can possibly lead to some of the worst medicinal results you can experience. Surgery might also lead to irreversible functional loss of the disc and physical restrictions.

* The vast majority of herniated discs go entirely undetected, since they produce little or no pain and/or related symptoms. Truthfully, most herniations are found by accident during routine testing for an unrelated condition.

* As we age, the spine degenerates and this is a leading contributor to disc problems. Therefore, this is merely a fact of life and should be expected for most people.

What is the chiropractic approach to conservative care of the disc?

First I want to address a big misconception. As a Chiropractor I don't attempt to "pop a disc back in place" with sharp adjusting or manipulative techniques. It is rare, that I use traditional chiropractic adjustments for bulging discs or discs that have compressed. Most disc problems are treated with a gentle program of low-force techniques using spinal decompression. I use the Pro-Adjuster system and it does a marvelous job on disc injuries.

Another misconception people have about chiropractic care, is that the treatment process is a quick process. Rather, chiropractors who treat disc conditions incorporate low force adjustments in a methodical process based on evaluation and treatments over a period of time.

When I prepare a program of chiropractic care for patients with disc problems, I will continue to monitor their progress with probing questions and verifying what is and isn't working for them. There must be consistent evaluations using neurological and chiropractic tests to compare with my initial findings in order to successfully resolve my clients back issues.

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