Sunday, May 26, 2013

Ignoring Back Pain Can Lead to Serious Problems

Many people have felt soreness in their back after doing exercise or prolonged manual labor. It is a common feeling to be a little stiff after strenuous activity, especially in the lower back region of the spine. For most people, the soreness and stiffness goes away over time, usually within a day or so. But for some, the pain in the back lingers, becoming more and more of a nuisance, hindering their ability to comfortably perform everyday tasks.

Spinal injuries can be very serious, and without proper attention can lead to lifelong problems including limited mobility and constant pain. It is very important for anyone experience prolonged back pain to seek help from a doctor specializing in spinal issues. Trying to live through the pain can cause irreversible damage to spinal discs, causing them to rupture or to become herniated.

Depending on the type of spinal injury, the doctor may recommend any number of treatments geared toward alleviating back pain and allowing the patient to live a normal, mobile life. One way to treat and prevent back pain and spinal injury is weight resistance training. Exercises such as dead lifts, squats, leg presses and cable rows (among others that utilize the back muscles and spine) can have a significant impact on the health and strength of a person's back. It is important, however, to perform these exercises correctly and under supervision from a spinal doctor or strength training professional or else the patient can cause even more damage to the spinal region. The spine should remain straight during all exercises as to not put excess stress on the spine, which could lead to a more serious back injury.

Other options for treating back pain may include something as simple as taking anti-inflammatory medication or the use of a heating pad. However, this is usually just the first step to treating back pain. If the pain persists for more than a few days, it is imperative that the individual consults a spinal physician. Physical therapy, steroid injections, muscle relaxants, chiropractic treatment, spinal decompression and an MRI may be recommended. In severe cases, though, surgery is the only option to repair a damaged disc or spinal problem.

Spinal surgery includes the removal of the damaged portion of the disc, which reduces the pressure on the nerves. If the patient has a degenerative condition such as Spondylolisthesis, spinal fusion surgery can be done to fuse vertebrae together in order to prevent slippage. The recovery time of most spinal surgeries can be long and painful, but when compared to living with a lifetime of pain, can be the best option.

Living with constant back pain can be a great burden on an individual. Ignoring the signs of a more serious spinal problem can lead to even greater pain and irreversible damage, including paralysis. Consult a spinal surgeon or physician specializing in matters of the spine and back if you experience prolonged pain and a limited range of motion. Don't ignore the signs of a potentially dangerous and life-altering spinal disorder.

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