Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Bad Effects of Video Games on Children

Most of the negative effects of video games on children are blamed on the violence they contain. A lot of experts say that children who often play violent games are more likely to grow up with similar violent behaviors. They are said to develop increased aggressive thoughts, behaviors, and feelings. They are said to develop less social and interpersonal skills, as well. Plenty of researchers also believe that a child's frequent exposure to violent video games may lead to alcohol consumption, destruction of school property, arrogant actions, and other delinquent behaviors in the future.

Children who play too much video games are often alone, lonely, and isolated. Other worthwhile activities such as reading, sports, studying, playing wholesome games, and interacting with family and friends are frequently neglected. And when a child spends less time on focusing with his studies and other school activities, his grades and school performance becomes highly affected. This might result in much low self-esteem and much less self-confidence.

Video games also might teach children the improper values and improper ways of thinking. In most of these games, children are often rewarded for being more violent and aggressive. The violence is often done repeatedly. And children tend to think that these repetitive actions are the right things to do because these games may also cause children to confuse fantasy and reality; after all, repetition is a key in training and sharpening a small child's memory. In addition, they often portray women as weaker characters that are sexually provocative and always helpless. These games also indicate that proper negotiations and other non-violent methods are not the right solutions to problems.

Rude gestures, frequent yelling, and bad language may also be picked up by children when playing violet online video games. And many believe that these games can be very addictive; thus, leading to a child's physical and mental health problems. Spending problems and time displacement that leads to frequently missed school days are also common issues. Obesity, video-induced seizures, and muscular and skeletal disorders such as tendonitis, nerve compression, and carpal tunnel syndrome; as well as, psychological disorders are among the many physical and mental health disorders that a child might acquire from playing too much video game. Furthermore, many experts also believe that video games do not exercise a child's imaginative thinking. So, he does not develop creativity which is essential for growing children like him.

1 comment:

  1. This is the one side of video games. But there are positive points too which proves that video games are good and helps in development of a child.
