If you'd like a terrific way to bring in new patients that costs next to nothing, then you will benefit greatly from this chiropractic marketing article.
The biggest problem that chiropractors have are finding effective marketing strategies that have an immediate payoff but don't require spending a fortune. Also, most are not good at marketing chiropractic or making themselves visible on the internet. This is a severe problem that is definitely costing you business since 82% of consumers now use the internet to find health care providers.
This strategy fits the bill perfectly and solves both problems. Yet when I tell you what this chiropractic marketing strategy is you might not think yourself capable of doing this but trust, it's easy and fun to do!
You are going to do your own internet talk show. I'd like to introduce BlogTalkRadio to your marketing strategy. I am not affiliated with BlogTalkRadio in any way just so you know. It is a free website that let's anyone do an interactive live talk show, records it, and even archives it so people can listen to replays or even download the MP3 of your show.
Here is how my chiropractic clients are using BlogTalkRadio to get patients into their clinic right now and how you can to:
Schedule your first talk show. Just do it! I suggest 30 minutes in length for your show. Pick a topic that is very easy for you to talk about such as help for chronic back pain sufferers. Remember, you definitely want this to be interactive with people calling in and writing in questions (BlogTalkRadio supplies a free phone line and chat room for you). The more interactive they are with your show content, the better the show, the more energy it will ooze, and the more booked appointments you will yield.
Carefully use a show title that contains keywords that will make it easy for people to find your show on the internet! You're doing this for marketing, not charity, so use keywords that local consumers will be searching for when looking for a local chiropractor. Use the free Google Keyword Research tool for ideas. At a bare minimum you want your city name and main symptom in your title such as "Rochester" and "Back Pain". This is critical otherwise people won't find your talk show when they're hunting the internet for your services.
Create an email series! You want to generate lots of excitement and anticipation about your talk show. Send an announcement email to your patient base telling them you're launching a talk show! They will love the idea, your authority instantly increases in their mind, and what you want to do is encourage them to partake. My doctors who have done this tell me the email reactivates patients resulting in immediate business before they even do their show. Send another reminder email. Finally, send a post-show email with the link to the replay.
Leverage your content! What we've been doing that is working really well, is to download the show as an MP3 and burn it to cd. Burn a stack of cd's and leave them on your check in counter. Hand them out to patients freely.
Sell new services! If you're launching a new service in your practice such as spinal decompression or cold laser, doing a talk show on the topic is a great way to introduce the new service.
BlogTalkRadio can have you listed at the top of Google's search results pretty fast. I recently did my chiropractic marketing makeover show and within 2 hours it was showing up very high in Google. Clients have experienced similar
You can embed the show on your practice website which enhances your credibility and authority. This really makes you stand out versus others and in the world of marketing this is a very good thing.
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