You may be surprised to hear a doctor tell you pain is good. After all, a significant part of your medical doctor's day is spent trying to relieve pain with medications, shots and other means. In the chiropractic clinic, pain relief may comprise 90% of the chiropractor's work day. Untold millions of dollars are spent each year on pain medication research and pain reliever drug advertising.
So how can pain be a good thing?
Pain is a sensation that may vary depending on the condition. Pain may be felt as sharp or dull, piercing or stabbing, electrical or shooting, throbbing or stinging, etc. It may be constant or it may come and go. You may sense pain only during a specific activity or only at a certain time of day.
In any event, pain is a message transmitted by your nerves to tell you something is wrong.
Have you ever been driving and you suddenly noticed a red warning light come on? If so, you may have gotten nervous and immediately pulled over and opened up your car manual. You did this because you know a red light is usually not a good thing. You probably discovered that the manual said to immediately have your car checked because there was a major engine problem. If you're like most people you probably then made an disappointment with you mechanic to determine the problem. You did that because a car is valuable and you feared further damage, which would cause even more costly repairs later.
Consider pain as your body's "red light." It is a warning that you need to stop what you are doing and investigate further. You may feel a slight pain that is directly related to a specific event like a sports injury. In that case, you know what the cause is and with some rest, you may recover and the pain subsides.
Persistent pain, however is different. If your pain continues to recur over and over or is always present, it is a sign of something serious. In these instances, you should consult a doctor to investigate your pain. It may well be something minor that is easily corrected but then again it may be something gravely serious.
By investigating the cause of your pain now, you may be catching a major problem in its early stages while treatment options may be plentiful. Wait too long and your treatment options may be limited.
As you can see, pain is a good thing! It alerts you to take care of problem now before it's too late.
A word about Orange Chiropractic Pain Relief
Chiropractic is a medical specialty that focuses on the spine and nerves. Chiropractors locate the underlying cause of pain to make corrections that correct the problem. Unlike pain relief medications that only mask pain, chiropractic treatment fixes the problem as well as relieve pain. Think of medications like putting black tape over your car's red light. Does that fix the problem? No. It merely makes you unaware of the underlying problem which will undoubtedly worsen because you are not dealing with the real issue. If you have persistent pain, consider chiropractic pain relief.
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