Thursday, June 20, 2013

Herniated Disc, Leg Pain and Chiropractic

Pain going down your leg secondary to a herniated disc is a common and often disabling occurrence. A disc in your spine is composed of 2 simple elements, the inner nucleus pulposis that is a jellylike in composition and the outer annulus fibrosis that is fibro-cartilaginous and very strong. When a individual feels trauma and the forces are directed at the spine and disc, it increases the pressure on the inside of the disc (like stepping on a balloon) and the inner nucleus pulposis puts pressure, from the inside out and tears the outer annulus fibrosis causing the inner material to go outside the outer boundaries of the disc. This has often been misnamed a "Slipped Disc" Since the disc doesn'T slip or slide, it is torn from the trauma allowing the internal material to leak.

Conversely, a bulging disc, which gets confused with a herniated disc, is a degenerative,Wear and tear scenario. That occurs over time with the annulus fibrosis degenerating. This can also be a Risk factor. Allowing the disc to herniate with fewer trauma due to the degeneration or thinning of the disc walls. This however, is a conversation for a further topic

Life span prevalence of a herniated disc has been estimated to be 35% in men and 45% in woman and it has been estimated that 90% of all leg pain secondary to herniated discs happens at either L4-5 or the L5-S1 levels. It has also been reported that average duration of symptoms is 55.9 weeks underscoring the critical requisite for finding a viable solution for these patients. [1]

Although many of these are surgical candidates, it has been estimated that only 2-4% have actual surgical indications. [2] Therefore, nearly all patients need to be treated non-surgically and until recently, there have been a small amount of metrics affording guidance to the healthcare profession and public alike directing them to the appropriate care. In a 2009 study report, ending a 2 year study, a clear direction is now presented for patients that suffer with radiating pain from herniated discs.

The effects of the study illustrate that as a result of non surgical spinal decompression and chiropractic care,?Clinically significant progress in pain magnitude was seen in 73.9% of patients and overall in 80% of the patients, they self-described their results as either good or excellent. [3]

Chiropractic and non-surgical spinal decompression therapy protocols were utilized 2-3 times per week tapering down to 2 times per week and less until the patients were released from care.

The reports go on to state that there were no chief complications with any patient.

The results of the study referenced above also recommend that patients with cervical radiculopathy (neck pain radiating in to the arms,) lumbar spinal stenosis, pregnancy correlated lumbo-pelvic pain and chronic occupation related neck-arm pain may also benefit from non-surgical such as chiropractic care.

This study without a doubt shows that chiropractic is not only an alternative for disc associated radiating pain, but would be the most sensible place to start care with 80% of the patients getting well and not being exposed to drugs, their side effects or the added burden to the healthcare system with more costly treatments. The balance of the patients who would need necessary drugs or more complicated intervention is referred to the appropriate specialist as is the standard of care within chiropractic.

This study along with many others resolves that a drug-free approach of chiropractic care is one of the best answers for disc and radiating pain.

[1] Donald Murphy DC, Eric Hurwitz DC, PhD, Erika McGovern DC, A Nonsurgical Approach to the Management of Patients with Lumbar Radiculopathy Secondary to Herniated Disk: A Prospective Observational Cohort Study with Follow Up, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Volume 32, Number 9, 723-733, 2009

[2] IBID

[3] IBID Orlando Spinal Aid Center

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