If you are a chiropractor that has a spinal decompression practice are you currently considering decompression marketing for your practice?
Have you considered investing in decompression marketing program that is devoted to generating new spinal decompression patients?
Do those sound like stupid questions? They are only stupid if you haven't considered them. Here's why, when you bought the spinal decompression table for your practice I would imagine you intended to use it to help patients return to optimal health and provide a non-invasive option to surgery. Not to just sit in your office gathering dust or just to generate curiosity amongst your current patients. Last time I checked optimal health was necessary when wanting to live an active lifestyle and not be burdened with continuous back pain caused by degenerative discs or herniation of one or more vertebrae.
Okay, I get it...you are a chiropractor not a marketing guru. But you've got to let the people know what services you offer and why they need those services.
You're the chiropractor, people need to know why their lower back hurts all the time how it might have gotten to the point of crawling on all fours to get to the bathroom. Most likely they have injured themselves in some way while working, lifting improperly, yard work or possibly a sports injury. But there's more and you know some things they don't know. For instance...
Studies show that sometimes an injury does not need to occur in order for someone to have a herniated disc. Believe it or not poor posture has highly attributed to the growing population of back pain sufferers.
Imagine that!
Others include the mattress we sleep on 6 to 8 hours a night and the wrong shoes. When you consider the things that people could do to keep their backs healthy, it makes you wonder why more people are not more pro active in the health of their spine.
I believe lack of education and just good old fashion vanity and stubbornness are a few of the reasons. I for one don't ever remember someone telling me to sit up straight or sit correctly because if not it was going to ruin my spine. It was more like, "sit up straight, you look like a vulture".
Now the mattress selection is not always the fault of a child when they are at the mercy of parents providing the proper mattress for their young spine. But once they are responsible for securing their own bedding, a supportive mattress should be a priority. Forget the pretty self indulgent linens. Just buy a good firm mattress and don't forget a good supportive cervical pillow.
And the shoes, seriously...ladies do we have to go there? Five inch heels? Really is that necessary?
Yes, I believe that if the things just mentioned were addressed more seriously, then this type of decompression marketing would not be needed. I'm talking about the kind of marketing where you explain to people why they hurt so bad and what they did to get to where they are, you know...needing spinal decompression.
But it is needed therefore it is nice to know that there is a smart choice available to help for those who suffer from back pain and it's called spinal decompression.
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