Monday, June 24, 2013

Bras and Back Pain - What's the Association?

Research into whether or not there is an association between bras and back pain does exist. However, it has primarily been in the form of large polls, discussions, and anectdotal evidence rather than any level 1 studies. The common thread seen in the research is that an ill-fitting bra can cause significant pain for females. Rather than considering a breast reduction as a primary form of treatment, receiving an "expert" bra-fitting can ease the problem.

An online poll was conducted in 2006 by Harris Interactive for the nonprofit North American Spine Society and the bra company Maidenform. More than 1,300 women participated in the poll. Fifty-nine percent of the women said their bra caused them to have back, shoulder, or neck pain. The biggest problem cited by these women consisted of the bra straps, followed by the bra's band around the rib cage, the supportive underwire built into many bras, and the bra's cup size or cup fit. Not all of the women were unhappy with their bras. Thirty-nine percent of the entire group said their bras never hurt their back, shoulders, or neck. The remaining 2 percent said they don't wear bras.

Women who are suffering from back pain from their bras are often simply wearing the wrong size.

Many female patients who resort to plastic surgery to ease back pain could achieve the same result by wearing bras that fit. In 2009, over 120,00 breast reductions were performed, a 137 percent increase over 1997. These bras can be expensive and are typically not fashionable. It may be necessary to enlist the services of a custom bra maker. However, it's a small price to pay to avoid potential complications of surgery. There are psychological considerations for surgery as well, so it's not a hard and fast rule it can or should always be avoided.

Wearing the wrong size bra can result in the weight of the breasts being carried by the shoulders rather than the chest and contribute to back pain. It is thought women tend to underestimate the width of their back, while overestimating their cup size. This means their breasts don't get proper support and can lead to pain in the chest, neck and shoulders. Here's a link to an article on considerations for a proper bra to prevent resultant back pain.

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