Friday, June 21, 2013

Non-Surgical Herniated Disc Healing - Part 1

It is important to know that,just because you have a herniated disc, does not mean it is causing your pain. In fact, it has been proven that many people live their entire life with such discs and never get pain from it.

That is critical for you to know, so you stop being afraid of that diagnosis or symptom. Once you understand that herniated discs are not going to kill you, and may in fact in some cases, not even be hurting you, you will then easily release your fear based stress and anxiety about them.

Fear and stress about your disc is a major contributor to back pain in a lot of people.

An Alternative Model For Healing Herniated Disc

You will note that all surgical procedures for a herniated disc, have two main objectives, to take pressure off the nerve and to stabilize the joints. But these very rarely achieve the objectives if at all, because most of the mainstream treatments stop at the symptoms of the problem and never go to the cause, so the problem remains.

It is clear enough, that ignoring the cause, leads to a repetition of doctor visits for pain treatment. Over time as your pain gets worse, herniated disc surgery gets presented as an option, a very poor option indeed, if your herniation is not caused by trauma..

As for instance, even if you surgically remove a piece of the disc that is putting pressure on the nerve, the same muscles imbalances and dysfunctions that caused the disc to herniate, do still exist and they will continue to place that strain on your spine and discs, it matters not how many times disc surgery is carried out.

Herniated Disc Surgery Failure

That is precisely why so many people who have surgeries end up having multiples of them without any herniated disc healing, because surgery does NOT do anything to address the imbalances, the real causes, that are creating the dysfunctions, which lead to disc herniation.

A herniated disc is a physical problem, and so it requires as a must, a physical solution at the root cause, and therefore, there is no need for surgery or years of enduring back pain to correct a problem that is so easy to fix, if you only knew the cause and exactly how to re-balance the specific muscle group or muscle groups.

Herniated Disc Heal Naturally

The proper natural model, for effective herniated disc healing and preventive maintenance of your discs, outside of trauma based herniation, has a number of very simple factors. One of those five factors, requires that you must consume sufficient water every single day.

Here is the reason why.

Your discs are composed of about 71% water, and lack of water in the discs causes a narrowing of the space between vertebrae and eventual compression of the spine and the spinal nerves, and that in turn causes you pain. Drinking 7 to 10 glasses of water each day will do health wonders for your discs and for your entire body system. You cannot do without it.

The other factors to herniated disc healing include monitoring your standing, sitting and sleeping postures, and yes as well as nutrition.

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