The DRX 9000 Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression System has been used in clinical practice over the past several years for the treatment of low back pain. Spinal decompression was developed to provide a non-invasive intervention for the treatment of low back pain and neck pain arising from bulging, herniated and degenerative discs.
A herniated or bulging disc (this is sometimes referred to as a "slipped" disc) is a spine condition where by the soft, gel-like center of the spinal disc (nucleus pulposis) has placed pressure on or tears through the outer layer of the disc (annulus fibrosis). Once the gel center of the disc has penetrated through the outer layer, it may cause inflammation and place pressure on neighboring spinal nerves resulting in back or neck pain. Sometimes this pain and/or numbness can travel into the legs/feet or arms/hands. If this problem is left untreated, it may progressively worsen over time.
The cause of these types of disc problems can stem from a variety of different mechanisms...from a slip and fall, an accident or injury, improper bending / lifting or even just the "wear and tear" of everyday postures and activities at work and home.
Prior to the DRX 9000, most patients with these types of compression related disc issues had few options outside of injections or surgery once a conservative approach to treatment (therapy, meds, acupuncture, chiropractic, etc...)has failed. The DRX 9000 offers patients a non-invasive alternative to surgery and injections. The aim of spinal decompression is to relieve pain by enlarging intra-discal spaces, reducing herniation and decreasing intra-discal pressure during treatment. Most patients find the treatments to be comfortable and relaxing and some even fall asleep during the procedure.
A recently published study by Dr. John Leslie of the Mayo Clinic showed after 2 weeks of treatments on the DRX 9000 there was a 50 percent reduction in pain scores and upon completion of the entire protocol an amazing success rate of 88.9 percent was documented.
While herniated and bulging discs are common back pain conditions, Long Island residents today have a new effective, non-surgical alternative with the DRX9000 Non-surgical Spinal Decompression System.
This article is not intended nor should be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.
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