Sunday, July 21, 2013

Treating Chronic Pain With Spinal Decompression

Spinal Decompression therapy is a highly effective way to treat chronic back pain without surgery or drug intervention. It is a noninvasive technique that does not allow for any major side effects. When pressure builds up between the vertebrae in the spine, discs get stressed. When this occurs, bulges and herniations many ensue causing the patient to experience a numbness or tingling sensation down one or more of their limbs. In severe cases the pressure exerted on the discs may cause weakness and or atrophy of the involved limb correlating to the spinal disc level being affected.

How It Works:

Depending on the area being affected within the spine, the computerized spinal decompression table isolates the disc level allowing pressure to be released off of the disc as well as the nerve root involved. This occurs because the table itself creates a negative vacuum like movement at the disc level affected allowing the major inside "jelly" like substance within the center of the disc to be drawn back to its original state. Decompression therapy also allows for nutrients to get in and out of the discs.

Treatments on the table last around 30 minutes and patients feel a difference around their fourth to sixth treatment. As with any form of physical therapy, decompression will take a series of treatments to stabilize the disc being affected. A schedule of 16-20 treatments is recommended within a two month span to assist in correcting the problem.

Patients suffering from herniations, bulges, arthritis and congenital abnormalities such as facet syndrome are prime conditions for utilizing spinal decompression therapy.

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