Saturday, July 27, 2013

No More DDD Back Pain! Here's a Proven Way to Say Goodbye to Your Degenerative Disc Disease Worries!

Degenerative Disc Disease, or DDD, is highly correlated with age factor. As we mature and grow older the tough and rubbery discs between our vertebrae dry up and lose their cushioning height. To illustrate, I would compare a spinal disc to Homer Simpsons favorite sofa cushion (the sofa cushion in front of the TV). As years passed by, Homers weight would shatter the sofa ultimately and wear out the fabric. While the outcome for Homer was perpetual butt-relief, the result of Degenerative Disc Disease for the typical 3-D person sadly, is anything but comfort.

Luckily Degenerative Disc Disease sounds a lot worse than it actually is. It is the degenerative that really affects my well being. Well, disease is not an encouraging word either. But the truth is, everyone gets DDD as they age, and usually it is not painful. It is an inherent stage of getting older. However, it is when the spinal disc shrinks to the point of vertebrae hitting bone on bone, that nerves are affected and back pain begins. For the two commonly known DDD back pain, these are classified as Cervical (neck) and Lumbar (lower back).

Both types of degeneration yield further back problems such as herniated discs, arthritis or sciatica (pain in the legs) or spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal chord). It is amazing how a small problem in the spine can cause joint and bone inflammation in the fingers and toes. Has anyone ever compared the peripheral nervous system to the Internet? Like the Internet, the nervous system is all over: It conveys body-wide messages, but watch out, it can also instigate body-wide aches.

Spinal Decompression To The Rescue!

Spinal Decompression helps treat all types of DDD because the lifting of the vertebrae allows for the spinal disc to repair itself. Then pressure is taken off the nerves. Especially in cases of spinal stenosis or sciatica, where surgery is invasive and therefore risky, Spinal Decompression is a conservative, yet affective method of treatment.

With the option of Spinal Decompression, I feel at ease. But my pressing concern given all the information available, is there a doable way which can ensure a healthy condition for my spinal discs?

Unfortunately, this time eating right and exercising regularly just wont cut it. The root of DDD back pain comes from a loss of collagen (protein) and water in the spinal discs. The shortfall of fluid occurs when the number of Proteoglycan Molecules in the discs decreases. So, when Drs. Mark Ewin and Robert Inman from the University of Toronto, Toronto Western Hospital discovered in 2006 that the Notochord Cell (which releases CTGF, which is a connective tissue) regulates production of Proteoglycan, they were upbeat that their research results would serve as a groundwork for future regeneration of disc cartilage for patients suffering from DDD back pain. One impediment: the only Notochord cells found in humans are in their embryos, and for now this study is steering clear of stem cells!

But thank goodness there is at least progressive research going on that might one day help preserve the spines discs. Good thing for Spinal Decompression in the meantime though! I feel somewhat relieved that no one is alone for having a fear of back pain. So: research studies are underway, the spinal decompression machine is pulling: Some efforts are underway geared towards addressing our back problems.

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