Saturday, July 27, 2013

Nubax Trio Review - Ouch, My Achin' Back!

The Nubax Trio is a back decompression "machine."

If you've got back pain due to disc problems, decompression is the way to find relief... often immediately. But there CAN be problems...

Imagine setting up a full inversion table in your office...

You've been chained to your desk all morning and your back is really feeling it, so you decide to try to get some back relief on your lunch break... there you are, hanging upside down from your inversion table (with your dress down around your ears, ladies) and in walks one of your bosses - or even worse, one of your best clients!

Let's face it, not all of us can (or want to) use a full inversion table. Particularly for the office, they are impractical and inconvenient to say the least.

The Nubax Trio is a terrific option.

Picture that same office setting... There is a small - 16 pound - device sitting there that you sort of lean on and stretch... no need to change clothes, no need to worry about being embarrassed by someone walking in and if you want to hide it away, it's small enough to store in the office closet when not in use.

You probably won't want to hide it away... once the word gets out, you will probably have a line of co-workers outside your door begging to use your Nubax Trio.

Now, we get the benefits of a good stretch without the drawbacks of an inversion table - and since it only takes a few minutes (3 to 6), we can stretch throughout the day, whenever we feel the need. We don't have to suffer until we get home - or to the doctor.

That's why I'm writing this next review in my series of Back Pain Relief Product Reviews... if you are able to handle your back problems as they arise rather than waiting, your life is SOOOO much better! Your "achin' back" problems could be a thing of the past.

Here is how and why it works...

Between the vertebra in our backs, we have discs. These discs are full of fluid and are used to cushion as well as separate the vertebra in our backs. Think of the disc as being like a sponge.

As the day wears on, gravity squeezes the fluid out of the discs and they literally get smaller. That's why you can lose as much as 3/4" in height during the day! (Now you know why you have to adjust the rear view mirror when you get in the car at night. - you are literally shorter.)

As we age, wear and tear as well as gravity is a problem, and we have less fluid to start with, and less ability to replace it.

When we decompress, we are actually increasing the space between the vertebra.

This creates more room for our discs to reabsorb the fluids. BTW - we naturally do this at night when we are asleep. If you are dehydrated or don't get enough sleep, you don't reabsorb enough of the fluids and you are in for some pain the next day.

I'm sure you know what I mean.

As we decompress, the increased space creates a negative vacuum and literally sucks the cushioning fluids back into the discs.

Here's some boring terminology - A bulging disc is when the fluid inside the disc is trying to get out through a weak point, but hasn't ruptured the disc wall. A herniated disc is when it HAS ruptured the wall and is leaking. Imagine stepping on one side of a jelly filled donut.

A scientific study (American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation in 1999) has shown that traction therapy, which is the practice of stretching and lengthening the spine (AKA - Spinal Decompression), has been proven to help reduce or even eliminate back pain. They found an 81% success rate for eliminating pain.

Here are a few of the Nubax Trio features...

  • It's lightweight - 16 pounds.

  • Small enough to not be in the way, but easy to store if you want to...

  • Overall Dimension - 24" x 41" x 17"

  • Frame - 22.5" Wide x 31.5" Tall x 17" Deep

  • Height in use - 19" to 33"

  • Fast - 3-6 minutes per day.

  • About 90% cheaper than going to the Chiropractor.

  • Easy set-up out of the box - about 10 minutes - all tools and hardware are included.

  • Comes with a users guide and instructional CD.

  • Full money back guarantee.

Nubex Trio Pros...

  1. It's fast - 3 to 6 minutes a day.

  2. It's gentle - no stress or strain on the joints. (Inversion tables can put strain on the joints.)

  3. Saves time (1 - 2 hours) AND money (possibly $ thousands) on Chiropractor visits.

  4. Safe for those of us with high blood pressure and diabetes.

  5. Small enough to hide away and light enough so ANYONE CAN!

  6. Both short term and long term benefits...

  7. Clinically proven.

  8. There's a lot more but I don't want to write a sales page, just a review.

Nubax Trio Cons...

  1. Particularly tall people may not get as much stretch as they would like.

  2. Restricted to those of us that are under 300 pounds.

  3. Those of us that are under 18 years of age should consult a doctor before using. (Actually, that's a good idea for all of us!)

  4. If you have any of the following conditions, definitely consult your physician...

Bone weakness

Recent fractures

If you know you can not get off the floor


Skeletal implants

Some types of Joint Replacements

In summation...

I really like how fast and easy it is to use and the fact that it can be used in the office. I know that by stretching once or twice during the day rather than just suffering in silence, is enough to give me severe back pain relief... it makes my day better and more productive.

Plus once I get home at night, I feel much more refreshed and far more likely to feel "up to" doing something fun, rather than just planting myself in front of the TV.

I don't want this to be TOO long, but this review is just skimming the surface of the Nubax Trio. To find out more, can't hurt... but it CAN hurt if you don't!

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